Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the biggest shonen anime around right now, and for good reason. It boasts a simple, yet effective story, and its characters each have their quirks which make them endearing to most anyone who watches their adventures.
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If you’re like a lot of fans though, you’ve probably asked yourself a question at least once: Based on your personality, which Jujutsu Kaisen Sorcerer would you be?
Fortunately for you, we have a quiz that can provide you with an answer. So, without further ado, let’s get to the questions and determine your Kaisen doppelganger.
(Images source: Mappa via Crunchyroll)
Which Jujutsu Kaisen Sorcerer Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out
1 of 10
What is your ideal homemade lunch?
2 of 10
How do you feel about exercising?
3 of 10
How do you make amends when you hurt someone?
4 of 10
Which role would you fill on a baseball team?
5 of 10
What type of music do you prefer?
6 of 10
What's your ideal hobby?
7 of 10
Where would you take a vacation?
8 of 10
A bully is messing with someone you know. How do you deal with them?
9 of 10
What is your favorite article of clothing?
10 of 10
What is your lucky number?
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Published: Mar 25, 2021 09:00 am