While Gone Home has been around for a couple years on PC, it was just released for consoles, and with it, the opportunity to score some trophies and achievements! Â A few are straightforward, such as beating the game, finding all the diaries, etc.
But, there are 5 that are hidden, and you may be able to beat the game several times without unlocking them. Luckily, we’ve got all the info you need to unlock all of the game’s hidden trophies and achievements!
Meow Meow Meow (Silver/100g)
Found Mitten’s secret diary.
This is probably the most complicated, but it’s quite simple if you know where to look. In the garage, there is a small purple basketball hidden in the rafters.
Grab any object, and throw it up there to knock it down. Â Then, take the ball, bring it to Sam’s room, and shoot it through the basketball hoop behind her bedroom door. Â Once you do, the lights will flicker, the TV will show a picture of cats, and you’ll hear the secret diary of Mittens the cat! This trophy/achievement will unlock right away.
Nesting Instinct (Silver/50g)
Returned Christmas Duck to his rightful place.
Remember that duck from the very beginning of the game? Once you unlock the attic, go back, grab the duck, and bring it up with you. As soon as you go up the stairs to the attic, turn around and you’ll see what looks like a nest.
Place the duck in it, and this will unlock.
Wet Bandit (Silver/50g)
Turn on every faucet in the house at once.
Straightforward enough, but easy to miss. Â Make sure to turn the knobs for all the sinks and bathtubs, and this will unlock. Â Don’t worry, the house won’t flood.
Intuitive (Bronze/50g)
Guess the combination to Oscar’s safe before finding the code.
Another case of easy to miss, simple to unlock. Â It’s key that you do this one BEFORE you find the code, otherwise you’ll have to start a new play through.
When you find a safe in the basement, input the combination 1963, and this one will pop.
This Old House (Bronze/50g)
Open the secret bookshelf in the guest room from the outside.
Again, timing is important here. Â You must do this before the game naturally has you open the secret passage from the inside. Â Once you get to the guest room, head in the closet, and look up and to the right.
You’ll see a button – press it, and this hidden trophy will unlock.
Now you should have all of the hidden trophies and achievements for Gone Home!
Was this your first time playing Gone Home? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below!
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This post was originally written by Anthony Galleran.
Published: Jan 13, 2016 05:22 pm