Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator is an entertaining tool for any franchise fan to have fun with. Have you ever wondered what a Charmander and Pikachu mix would look like? How about a Quilava and Bidoof? Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator can do it all, and we’ve got all the information on how to use this tool, so follow along below.
What is Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator & How Does it Work? Explained
Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator is a tool that can create nearly any dream Pokemon fusion you’ve ever found yourself curious about. From completely adorable little critters to badass fusion monstrosities, this Calculator can create them all.
Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator utilizes hand-drawn custom-made sprites for every fusion, with sprites in green being sourced directly from artists from the Infinite Fusion subreddit and Discord server and sprites in red being sourced from Japeal’s Fusion maker.
To use the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator, you’ll first need to head over to Fusioncalc.com, where the tool is located. Once you arrive on this page, you can pick two Pokemon to fuse from a list or type the names into the search bar. After selecting these Pokemon, click the green Fuse button and watch two new creations come to life!

Alternatively, you can also randomize one or both of the Pokemon fused. To randomize just one of the Pokemon, click the small button with two arrows intersecting one another, located next to the selected Pokemon’s name. Doing so will automatically fuse the two Pokemon immediately. To randomize both Pokemon in a fusion, simply click the yellow Random button. Once again, this will immediately fuse the two randomized Pokemon together.
That’s everything you need to know about the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator and how it works. For more helpful guides, check out the rest of our content here at Twinfinite. We have a variety of different Pokemon topics to help you catch ’em all, such as the possibility of Frillish being shiny in Pokemon GO.
Published: Nov 19, 2023 09:38 am