The greatest aspect of Shindo Life are its Bloodlines, which are a set of abilities and modes. What you’ll quickly discover is that some are more powerful than others. The good news is you can roll for a new one, but the bad news is the randomness of it all. If you’ve got the resources to reroll, our Shindo Life Bloodline tier list can help you determine if you lucked out or not!
Shindo Life Bloodlines Ranked Best to Worst
So, we’ve taken the liberty of filing Bloodlines into ranks. The best ones in Shindo Life are S+, then it goes down to F, the worst of the bunch. You can get by with an F-tier Bloodline, but life won’t be easy!
Aizden | S+ |
Aizden-Inverse | S+ |
Ashura-Ruby | S+ |
Ashura-Shizen | S+ |
Borumaki-Gaiden | S+ |
Borumaki-Shiki | S+ |
Code-Gaiden | S+ |
Fate | S+ |
Kamaki-Akuma | S+ |
Kamaki-Inferno | S+ |
Raiden-Gold | S+ |
Raiden-Saberu | S+ |
Shindai-Akuma | S+ |
Deva-Rengoku | S |
Deva-Sengoku | S |
Doku-Scorpion | S |
Doku-Tengoku | S |
Getsuga | S |
Getsuga-Black | S |
Indra-Akuma | S |
Indra-Akuma-Purple | S |
Inferno | S |
Minakaze | S |
Minakaze-Azure | S |
Minakaze-Ruby | S |
Powder | S |
Raion-Azure | S |
Raion-Gaiden | S |
Raion-Rengoku | S |
Raion-Sengoku | S |
Sengoku-Gaiden | S |
Tetsuo-Kaijin | S |
Alphirama-Shizen | A |
Bruce-Kenichi | A |
Crystal | A |
Dark-Jokei | A |
Gold-Jokei | A |
Gura-Rengoku | A |
Kagoku | A |
Kagoku-Platinum | A |
Light-Jokei | A |
Magma | A |
Octo-Ink | A |
Ray-Kerada | A |
Ray-Kerada-Yang | A |
Shindai-Ramen | A |
Shindai-Rengoku | A |
Shindai-Rengoku-Yang | A |
Shiver-Ragnar | A |
Six-Paths-Narumaki | A |
SnakeMan | A |
SnakeMan-Platinum | A |
Surge | A |
Bankai-Akuma | B |
Borumaki | B |
Borumaki-Gold | B |
Doom-Shado | B |
Eastwood-Korashi | B |
Fizz | B |
Fume | B |
Head-Less | B |
Kamaki | B |
Kamaki-Amethyst | B |
Ragnar | B |
Renshiki | B |
Renshiki-Gold | B |
Renshiki-Ruby | B |
Rune-Koncho | B |
Ryuji-Kenichi | B |
Satori-Akuma | B |
Shiro-Glacier | B |
Shiver-Akuma | B |
Strange | B |
Sun-Knight | B |
Vengeance | B |
Xeno-Azure | B |
Xeno-Dokei | B |
Zero-Glacier | B |
Akuma | C |
Apollo-Sand | C |
Apol-Sand | C |
Dio-Azure | C |
Dio-Senko | C |
Dio-Senko-Rose | C |
Forged-Rengoku | C |
Forged-Sengoku | C |
Ghost-Korashi | C |
Hair | C |
Inferno-Korashi | C |
Jayramaki | C |
Jayramaki-Azure | C |
Jinshiki | C |
Narumaki | C |
Narumaki-Ruby | C |
Obi-Ren-Kengoku | C |
Odin-Saberu | C |
Raion-Akuma | C |
Rengoku | C |
Riser-Akuma | C |
Sarachia-Akuma | C |
Sarachia-Gold | C |
Satori-Gold | C |
Satori-Rengoku | C |
Sengoku | C |
Sengoku-Inferno | C |
Tengoku | C |
Tengoku-Platinum | C |
Typhoon | C |
Vanhelsing | C |
Yang-Narumaki | C |
Arahaki-Jokei | D |
Bankai-Inferno | D |
Blood | D |
Cobra | D |
Dokei | D |
Eternal | D |
Explosion | D |
Frost | D |
Giovanni-Shizen | D |
Ice | D |
Jokei | D |
Jotaro-Shizen | D |
Kabu-Cobra | D |
Kenichi | D |
Lava | D |
Mecha-Spirit | D |
Nectar | D |
Pika-Senko | D |
Riser-Inferno | D |
Rykan-Shizen | D |
Saberu | D |
Sand | D |
Scorch | D |
Senko | D |
Shado | D |
Shizen | D |
Tsunami | D |
Vine | D |
Web | D |
Ashen-Storm | F |
Atomic | F |
Azarashi | F |
Azim-Senko | F |
Black Shock | F |
Boil | F |
Bolt | F |
Bubble | F |
Clay | F |
Dangan | F |
Emerald | F |
Glacier | F |
Gold-Sand | F |
Ink | F |
Kaijin | F |
Kerada | F |
Kokotsu | F |
Koncho | F |
Menza | F |
Minakami | F |
Mud | F |
Okami | F |
Paper | F |
Seishin | F |
Smoke | F |
Sound | F |
Storm | F |
Variety-Mud | F |
Wanziame | F |
Wood | F |
How to Reroll Bloodlines in Shindo Life
After you’ve booted up Shindo Life on Roblox, stay on the main menu. You’ll see the ‘Play’ button, along with two red arrows, which you can use to cycle through different options. Cycle to the ‘Edit’ option and select it.

Choose the ‘Bloodlines’ option at the center of the screen. On both the left and right, you can reroll your Bloodlines, seeing as you have two. However, if you have Robux, you can purchase an upgrade to equip four Bloodlines.
Well, where does your Bloodline fall in Shindo Life? If you’ve come up short on rerolls, we do have some codes you can use, provided you haven’t used them already!
Published: Jul 10, 2023 7:16 AM UTC