Sackboy: A Big Adventure is one of the platformers released alongside the PlayStation 5. Seeing the little Little Big Planet mascot jump his way around on 3D levels rather than 2D ones is different, but just as much fun. Collecting all the items with a friend alongside you is even more fun though. If you’re wanting to find everything with someone else, you’ll be wanting to know if there is online co-op in Sackboy A Big Adventure. We’ve got all the information you need.
Is There Online Co-Op in Sackboy A Big Adventure?
In short, there isn’t online co-op in Sackboy A Big Adventure at the time of writing, but there will be soon. It was originally planned to be a feature in the game at launch, but it was delayed shortly before the PS5’s release.
In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Ned Waterhouse, Design Director at Sumo Digital, said the following about the mode:
“Online multiplayer functionality will instead be coming via a patch by end of 2020.
We understand this will be disappointing for those of you hoping to take advantage of the online multiplayer functionality at launch and appreciate the patience.”
Therefore, you shouldn’t have long to wait to jump into online co-op in Sackboy A Big Adventure. As soon as it is available and ready to play, we’ll be sure to update you here.
In the meantime, the game does have local co-op, so that you can run through the stages with someone else from the comfort of your own couch. It’s just as fun and will get you ready for online co-op once it arrives.
That’s everything there is to know about if there is online co-op in Sackboy A Big Adventure. For more tips and tricks on all things PS5, be sure to search for Twinfinite.
Published: Nov 24, 2020 5:18 PM UTC