Manor Lords comes with three core scenarios that task you with filling specific criteria. One of these, Rise to Prosperity, tasks you with upgrading your settlement to Large Town status. Here’s our guide on building a Large Town as quickly as possible.
Rise to Prosperity to Build a Large Town in Manor Lords
Your first priority should be building a logging camp, sawmill, and trader, then start trading away your planks.
Next, you’ll want to buy oxen, upgrade your stable, and build a hunting camp and forager hut to help generate food.
Once you have these taken care of, start building burgage plots. Aim to build around 10. You should also build a well, market, and fuel buildings, as well as juggle your workers.
Build chicken coop extensions for a second source of food, which is necessary to level up your burgage plots to level 2, and ensure that some of your burgage plots have very large gardens to grow vegetables. Aim to level all your burgage plots to level 2 as soon as possible.
Invest your first two development points into the following skills.
- Trade Logistics – Makes establishing all trade routs 25 gold
- Better Deals – Reduces tariffs on imports, essentially reducing the price of purchasing goods by 10.

Once you have these skills, start importing clay. You can transform this into roof tiles which are great for export, as well as upgrades to your buildings. Start researching coal production, and keep steadily upgrading and importing whatever you need.
You’ll need three different types of food available to upgrade your burgage plots to level 3. This is easy with a combination of eggs, vegetables, berries, and meat.
As far as clothing goes, leather is a simple one to create, and creating it is as simple as building a tannery to go alongside your hunting camp. You can also build goat pens for the same purpose. You’ll need a second form of clothing available in the market, but importing is faster than creating your own.
With your coal research, you have an easy supply of fuel, and with your roof tiles you can easily upgrade your buildings, including the church.
You’ll need a steady supply of ale to build a tavern. While you can farm your own barley, importing it is often the faster option.
From here, you just need to keep trading and upgrading your burgage plots. You can also build a manor house to get the administrative building public order bonus.
If you set the game to 12x speed and micromanage, it’s possible to get all the way from a Settlers Camp to a Large Town in around 20 to 30 minutes.
Want some more Manor Lords in your life? Here are all the requirements you need to level up, and here’s how to take care of all those exposed goods you might have lying around.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 12:00 am