While visiting the Emily-May Foundation in Spider-Man 2, you will meet various scientists and help them with their experiments. One of them is named Dr. Foster, and you must solve his Hybrid Calibration puzzle before you can continue your tour.
Spider-Man 2 Plant Hybrid Calibration Puzzle Guide
The Hybrid Calibration puzzle Dr. Foster gives you consists of three stages. You can solve them by slotting the correct genes and fulfilling the minimum conditions for certain gene types. The key to solving this puzzle is to pay attention to the lines on the icons’ borders, which will determine if the genes will sync together.
Stage #1

This one is the easiest since it teaches you the most basic rule of this puzzle. You just need to place the top gene on the upper left slot. Then, you can place the bottom right icon in the top right slot. Finally, you can put the bottom left gene to the bottom slot to complete this stage.
Stage #2

Stage two increases the difficulty slightly by introducing five genes that you must insert into four available slots. There are no minimum requirements yet, so you can put any type of genes to complete this stage.
First, you can place the Water icon into the centerpiece, connecting all genes. Then, you can put the H icon in the bottom slot and the Sun icon in the right slot. Finally, you can place the bottom Leaf gene in the top left position to solve this puzzle.
Stage #3

The last stage will be the hardest one since you need to add certain gene types to complete this stage. Although the puzzle only requires you to include one Leaf and Water icon, you can add more to solve the puzzle.
First, you can place the bottom right Water icon in the top right slot, and you can put the second Water icon in the bottom left. Then, you can insert the top Leaf gene right beside the bottom Water icon. The second Leaf icon can be placed between the first Leaf gene and the top Water icon. In the last available slot, you can place the middle sun gene to complete this stage.
Now that you know how to solve the Hybrid Calibration puzzle, you can check out other Spider-Man 2 articles on Twinfinite. I recommend reading our Focus charges guide if you need help acquiring more.
Published: Oct 20, 2023 07:05 pm