Not all loot is easy to get in Baldur’s Gate 3. You can often expect a trick, fight, or puzzle to find something worthwhile. The Grymforge holds many such secrets, one of which ties back to a very important group. If you’re up for a little exploring, you can find a stash belonging to the Harpers.
Where to Find the Grymforge Harper Stash
Fortunately, you are close to the stash’s location, even if you’ve only done a little bit of exploring around the Abandoned Refuge area. From the fast travel point in this area, take the stairs up.

Turn the corner and head up the broken staircase in front of you.

If you head towards the edge of the cliff, you’ll be able to climb down the cragged rock.

At the H on the ground, your party will roll for a History check. Anyone who succeeds in their roll will inform you that it doesn’t make sense for the Harpers to leave their stash exposed, and this is likely a trap.

Indeed, the three obvious chests in the area are actually Mimics, and you’re in for a fight as soon as someone passes a Perspection check next to one. With the Mimics defeated, you’ll likely spot this Toy Chest near the edge of the cliff.

Toy Chest Puzzle Solution
The Toy Chest itself isn’t the stash, but it will make it appear. To do so, you’ll have to use a spell/scroll that imbues it with light. The easiest way to do this is to cast Light on it, but any similar spell will do.

How to Unlock the Grymforge Harper Stash
With that done, use the Toy Chest to spawn the Harper Stash. For us, it actually spawned right inside a Mimic corpse. Just getting the chest to spawn won’t be the only part, though. You’ll also want to let Astarion (if he’s with you) disarm the trap placed on the chest. Be sure to save before starting the roll to Disarm, as it requires a roll of 20, so it might take a couple of tries.

With the chest disarmed, you will also have to pick the lock. This is another required 20 roll.
Harper Stash Contents
The contents were a little disappointing as we found:
- Scroll of Evidence
- Four Gold
- Fire Amber
- Arrow of Lightning
While this might not be worth finding the Harper Stash, fighting the Mimics will certainly get you good loot. For more Baldur’s Gate 3 guides to find better gear, check out our links below.
Published: Aug 23, 2023 8:06 PM UTC