There are a surprising amount of creatures intent on devouring your face in Lethal Company, but one of the more fiendish ones is the Lethal Company Bunker Spider. Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate the multi-legged menace, and we’re going to walk through them all in this guide.
Lethal Company Bunker Spider – How to Escape and Beat Bunker Spiders

While it might seem like the Bunker Spider is nearly impossible to escape the first time you encounter it, there are actually a few courses of action you can take to deal with it.
Can You Run Away From Bunker Spiders?
For starters, you can escape the beasty by sprinting in a straight line while at a low weight. So long as the Spider wasn’t too close to you when you started sprinting — and you don’t get ensnared in any of its webbing along the floors and walls — you should be able to evade it long enough for it to return to its own territory.
Speaking of territory: it’s also possible to circumvent Bunker Spiders by keeping an eye out for the webs it leaves around different spaces. The more webs there are, the more likely it is that a Bunker Spider is nearby and that it will attack you. Should you encounter some of this sticky substance, immediately crouch to make less noise and work your way around the area as quickly as possible.
How to Kill Bunker Spiders
Finally, it is possible to kill Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company, and it’s especially easy if you’re playing with at least one other player.
To do so while playing solo, buy a Shovel or Stop Sign from the terminal’s shop. Then, find an area with webbing and figure out how to get to some railing as fast as possible. Once you’ve done so, attack the webbing with your weapon of choice to provoke the Spider. Once it’s chasing you, head to the railing and jump on top of it. The eight-legged freak won’t be able to attack you, but you can strike it with ease until it’s dead.
As for how to kill a Bunker Spider while playing with friends, the process is fairly similar. Instead of luring it to a specific location though, you can instead have one player get a shovel or Stop Sign while another buys the Zap Gun. From there, all you need to do is track down the Spider, have the player with the Zap Gun stun it, and then have the player with the shovel or stop sign bash it into mush.
And that about covers everything you need to know about dealing with Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company. Give some of these strategies a shot, and see which ones prove most viable to your playstyle. If you have other topics or aspects of the game you need help with, be sure to check out our other guides and articles down below.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 09:17 am