In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, players no longer take control of the many iconic warlords and generals found in the saga that is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Instead, you will rise up as a nameless militia member and make a name for yourself among the many epic battles that await. Of course, that requires players to create their characters, but what if you want to switch things up? For those seeking a way to change your character appearance in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, we are here to help.
Changing Character Appearance in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Once you have started the game and made your first character in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, the game doesn’t actually allow you to tweak things for a good while. However, play long enough, and you will unlock the Hidden Village as well as meet its leader Zuo Ci, who will take up residence in the main building just opposite of the Battle Flag.

Talking to the wise old man gives you several options. You could exchange Accolades for items, reset your Virtues and respec your character, talk to him, or more pertinently, choose the option to change up your appearance.
And it isn’t limited to just a few options to call it a day. This will be the full character creation suite that you used back when you kick things off in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Every single detail is up for change, and players will have the freedom to create a character that fits the description of the chosen one.

That’s everything you need to know about how to change your appearance in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. For more help on the game, check out our guides on details such as all the Divine Beasts, how to upgrade your gear, or learning the intricacies of the deflection mechanic. You can also see related content below, and for everything else, you can search Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 3, 2023 01:31 am