As is typical, the latest Pokemon games have a bunch of Gym Badges for players to conquer. Scarlet and Violet feature eight distinct Gym Battles for players to complete throughout the Paldea region, one of which being the Electric-type Gym, led by Gym Leader Iono. Before players have the opportunity to fight her, however, they’ll have to complete her Gym Test, and then fight her soon after. So today, let’s discuss how to beat the Levincia Gym Test & Leader in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
How To Beat Levincia Gym Test In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Upon their arrival to Levincia City and making their way to the Gym, players will first need to complete the Gym Test before challenging the Leader, Iono. For this test, search for Director Clavell who is playing Hide-and-Seek with you. You must find him three separate times in three different locations. Here’s where to find him in each one:

For the first go around, Director Clavell will be at the far right side of the screen, sitting underneath one of the tables. Simply hover over and click on him to successfully complete the first portion of the game. Afterward, you’ll be challenged by one of the Gym Trainers. Swiftly defeat them to move on to the next location of the Hide-and-Seek game.

For the second location, Director Clavell is located in the Pokemon Center on the left side, standing where Nurse Joy normally would be. Once again, players need to hover over and click on him to progress, from which they will be challenged by another Gym Trainer. Defeat them to move on to the final location of the Hide-and-Seek challenge.

For the final challenge, Director Clavell is hiding on the boat on the far right of the screen and not on top of the platform where the battle is being held. One last time, hover over and click on him to finally complete the Hide-and-Seek challenge. Upon doing so, players will now be allowed to challenge the Gym Leader Iono to a battle. Head back to the front office of the Gym to begin the battle with Iona.
How To Beat Gym Leader Iono

For the most part, Iono is a pretty straightforward fight when it comes to her Electric Type Pokemon, from which she has four. She leads off with the Electric Flying Type, Wattel, who is level 23. Wattel may have an immunity to Ground since it’s a Flying Type, but it does however retain all of its Flying weaknesses, such as Ice and Rock. Players shouldn’t have too much difficulty dealing with it. Afterward, she’ll send in her level 23 Luxio and Bellibolt, who both are pure Electric Types. Any Ground Type moves should swiftly deal with them.

Finally, her ace up her sleeve, a level 24 Mismagius. Under normal circumstances would players be fighting a Ghost Type Mismagius, but instead, Iono Terastallizes it into an Electric Type, while maintaining its Levitate ability, which makes it immune to Ground Type moves. To put it simply, this Pokemon has no weaknesses, and if you aren’t careful, they will be swept very quickly. Mismagius will spam Confuse Ray, which will guarantee confuse your Pokemon if hit, then follow up with Charge Beam, which will then raise Mismagius’s Special Attack. If players aren’t able to swiftly defeat this Mismagius, they will eventually be one-shotted by a Charge Beam due to its Special Attack stat being too high.
To counter this, hit it hard and hit fast before it’s too late. Pokemon naturally defensive against Electric Types, like Ground or Dragon, will work best here. Defeat Mismagius, and you will have finally completed the Levincia Gym Test. Upon victory, the Electric Type Gym Badge and a selfie with Iono are your rewards.

That’s everything you need to know on how to beat the Levincia Gym Test and Leader In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Be sure to check out other guides on the game like where to catch Pawmi, or a full explanation on Tera Raids.
Published: Nov 18, 2022 1:50 PM UTC