Love venturing off to do some side missions in God of War Ragnarok? Well, the Weight of Chains is the first such real optional quest you can do in the game, and it leads to a pretty good story. Here is everything you need to know about how to get the Svartalfheim Watchtower Key in God of War Ragnarok.
When you first enter the lake in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarok, you’ll be given the option to explore instead of going straight to Durlin’s shack, which is on the left. If you go to the right and explore, one of the main objectives you’ll have is to destroy the mining rigs posted around the lake at the request of Mimir.
The first or closest one is located on an inlet just to the right of where you came in. When you get on the shore, there’s a path that leads uphill, slightly to the left of the mystic gateway. If you climb up here, you’ll come upon a locked door, prompting Mimir to comment that he wants you to get the key that’ll unlock it so that he can set right an old wrong.
How to Complete the Weight of Chains Quest

Step by Step Guide to Get the Svartalfheim Watchtower Key in God of War Ragnarok
- Go to the Island to the right of the Geyser.
It’s between the big Geyser and the first island you find the mining rig mentioned above.
- Blow up the two red pots with Kratos’ axe to clear the path.
The first is at the bottom of the island on the right, and the second is along the cliffs to the right at the top next to the locked gate.
- Climb around the edge, go up and turn the gear to raise the platform, and throw the axe to freeze its location in place.
- Go back to the ledge and climb down, but go right instead of left.
This leads you to a new platform that is now in the right position.
- Get on the platform, return your axe, and slam into the ground by pressing O.
Returning your axe will raise the platform and give you the height to be able to crash through the floor.
- Defeat the mini-boss and get the Watchtower key from the Chest.
- Take the key back to the Island and interact with the Door.
Now that you’ve got the key, you’ll start a brand new questline in which you help Mimir free something that he had imprisoned long ago. As for the Weight of Chains questline, though, that is everything you need to know about how to get the Svartalfheim Watchtower Key in God of War Ragnarok. For other tips, tricks, and FAQs, be sure to search Twinfinite, including all the trophies, Yggdrasil Rifts, and much more.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 10:00 AM UTC