Hades by Supergiant Games is an incredibly difficult dungeon-crawler set knee-deep in heavy Greek mythology and lore. As Zagreus, Hades’ son, your main goal is to climb your way up and out of the Underworld. However, there are plenty of enemies, bosses, and randomized rooms in your way to the point you’ll need the best weapons in Hades to give you a fighting chance.
Luckily, you have an assortment of weapons at your disposal to pick from with each having their own unique playstyles, advantages, and disadvantages. To help you escape the Underworld, here are all of the weapons in Hades ranked from worst to best.
Best Hades Weapons, Ranked
- Varatha
- Stygius
- Malphon
- Aegis
- Exagryph
- Coronacht
6. Coronacht

At the bottom of this list is Coronacht the Heart-Seeking Bow. One of only two ranged weapons, Coronacht requires you to charge up your regular attack to fire. Alternately, its special is a volley of arrows that shoot in an arch.
While a nice change of pace and playstyle compared to the melee weapons, Coronacht severely limits the speed of your DPS through continually requiring you to charge your shot. Its special circumvents that a bit since it doesn’t need to be charged but there’s still a waiting period between each special attack.
In Hades, it’s very important to be quick on your feet and fast with your damage so Coronacht isn’t the best weapon to use when delving into the Underworld.
5. Exagryph

Similarly to Coronacht, Exagryph the Adamant Rail is a ranged weapon. The difference here is that it requires you to reload your ammo after a certain amount of shots. The damage you’re dealing is a lot more quicker than with the bow but needing to reload from time to time creates pauses in some of the damage you’re dealing.
There’s an upgrade that removes reloading but you’re never guaranteed to find it down in the Underworld since almost everything is randomized. Exagryph is essentially a better version of Coronacht but the short pause to reload is a pretty big downside.
4. Aegis

Aegis the Shield of Chaos is a melee weapon that adds a bit of defense to your offense. While you can choose to simply hit enemies repeatedly with your regular attack, you can also charge up your attack to launch yourself at enemies with your shield out. As you charge the attack, your shield is up and it blocks incoming damage from the front in a similar fashion to some of the enemies you encounter in Elysium.
There’s also a bit of a ranged aspect to this weapon with its special allowing you to throw your shield Captain America style at an enemy.
Aegis is an overall solid weapon that’s actually rather versatile in its playstyle and its upgrades. One of its few downsides is that is has a rather short range with its regular attack.
3. Malphon

Malphon the Twin Fists is a melee weapon that packs on the attacks. Its playstyle is characterized by its rapid hits and punches. There are plenty of Boons and upgrades you can easily find in the Underworld that pair well with Malphon’s fast attacks.
With the right upgrades, Boons, and even on its own, Malphon can quickly drain an enemy’s HP at the drop of a hat. Think of Malphon as the Dex build of Hades.
While its my personal favorite, Malphon does have a bit of a short range. You’ll need to get up close and person to bosses and enemies so you may take more hits than you normal do compared to some of the other weapons.
2. Stygius

Stygius the Blade of the Underworld is the weapon you start your first escape attempt with. Mid-ranged and reasonably fast, Stygius is a great all-around weapon for most players. Its third move in its attack sequence knocks enemies back so you can easily pair it up with any of Poseidon’s Boons that enhance knockback.
Stygius’ special is also an AOE attack that knocks back multiple enemies so Stygius is a great weapon to use for crowd control. You’ll easily get swarmed by enemies while climbing your way out of the Underworld and Stygius is a good weapon to kick them back for a bit of breathing room.
1. Varatha

Varatha the Eternal Spear takes the top spot for the best weapon in Hades. One of its crowning features is its incredibly long reach that can pierce through multiple enemies. This means Varatha is the perfect weapon for crowd control and quickly finishing fights.
Holding down the attack button will also allow you to do a spinning attack that hits in an AOE which adds to its great crowd control abilities.
With amazing reach, decent damage, and a lot of versatility, Varatha practically embodies the best part of each of the other weapons. Most Boons or upgrades you find while in the Underworld pair well with Varatha’s playing style, allowing you to have quite a lot of fun fighting enemies.
Do you agree with our top pick for the best weapon in Hades? Let us know in the comments section what your top choice would be.
For more guides and tips about Hades like information on the Pact of Punishment or our picks for the best Boons, search Twinfinite.
Published: Sep 28, 2020 05:11 am