Concord Tier List – All Characters Ranked

Shooting for the stars

Concord’s open beta finished recently and gave us our first chance to join the crew of the North Star on their capers. Not all intergalactic adventurers are created equal, though. Here’s our Concord Tier List, ranking all playable characters, based on our time in the game so far.

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Concord Tier List

SJabali, Emari, 1-Off, IT-Z, Haymar
AVale, Bazz, Daw, Duchess, Star Child
BTeo, Nennox, Roka, Lark
CKyps, Daveers

S Tier

Concord Haymar Character Selection
Image Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment via Twinfinite

Jabali: Jabali might not stand out on paper, being less specialized than other Freegunners. However, this versatility is why we love him so much. His weapon, the seeker rifle, is a mid-ranged assault rifle that packs a serious punch, but it’s his skills that really stand out. The Seeker Orb will hone in on enemies, causing a lot of damage when it hits. Meanwhile, the Life pulse shoots out an orb that will grant any allies it hits a healing aura

Emari: Emari is the first of two mighty glacier characters. She’s among the slowest and least agile of all Freegunners. Even her weapon – a gatling gun – takes a little while to rack up the damage. However, Emari’s skills can be a lifesaver in a tight match. Armor Generator will boost the defense of any allies nearby, while Projectile Shield will temporarily prevent you from taking ranged damage – perfect if you’re in a tight spot.

1-Off: The second mighty glacier in the game, and one that takes some practise to use effectively. 1-Off is something of a gimmick character, being a giant janitor robot who’s primary attack doesn’t cause any damage. However, a good 1-Off can quickly get rid of any deployables your enemies have put down, or even vacuum up projectiles mid-flight. All of this will power up the Trash Bomb, one of 1-Off’s two secondary weapons which causes massive AOE damage. Meanwhile, the Powr’blaster can quickly chew through your enemies’ health. His air barrier acts as a stationary vacuum that prevents your enemies from attacking you while it’s active. As with Emari, 1-Off is slow and isn’t as agile as most Freegunners, but his pure bulk makes him hard to take down.

IT-Z: IT-Z might be tricky to use, but if you take the time to learn her you’ll be able to frustrate your enemies like no other. IT-Z’s primary weapon is a submachine gun, which isn’t that flashy, but where she stands out is in her agility. IT-Z’s cosmic slip ability lets her throw a bouncing orb and teleport to it. This lets her instantly reposition while leaving behind a decoy as a distraction. Meanwhile, her scramble rebound skill will disrupt the weapons of any enemies it hits before returning to her. If she catches it, she’ll get a temporary boost to her submachine gun.

Haymar: Haymar is a little tricky to get the hang of, but in the right hands she can be a force to be reckoned with. Her firebolt crossbow is powerful on its own, but if you go into first-person mode you’ll automatically charge up and fire an upgraded version. Meanwhile, the firewall bomb can give you some much-needed breathing room, and the flash bomb will temporarily blind your enemies. Meanwhile, Haymar’s hovering ability can help her get the jump on her enemies.

A Tier

Concord Daw Character Selection
Image Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment via Twinfinite

Vale: Vale acts as the sniper, and can use a pistol at short range. While she’s undeniably powerful, she’s let down somewhat by the fact that to maximize her efficiency she has to maintain distance from her enemies. Her enhanced jump can help increase distance to enemies, but you’ll usually find yourself unable to get truly out of reach. Luckily, Vale’s trip mine can offer some protection, or cover your back as you retreat.

Bazz: Despite making the mistake of bringing knives to a gunfight, Bazz can hold her own. One of her secondary attacks, Scourge Star, leaves those it hits a defense debuff. Meanwhile, the lunging strike is a short-range melee attack. Where Bazz truly shines is in her ability to see all enemies while crouching, which can turn the tides in a tight game.

Daw: Daw is the game’s dedicated healer, and can place healing pads on the map which he and his allies can use. Add in a protective shield he can throw down, and your entire team has access to defense and healing, all at once. Daw fights with a burst rifle, so he’s far from helpless in combat. While it might be easy to dismiss Daw, his pure utility can make him a vital addition to any team.

Duchess: Don’t let her age fool you, Duchess can turn the tides in a tough match. A big part of this is due to her ability to put down walls. These will remain until they’re destroyed, create much-needed cover, and can potentially block off entire hallways or doorways. This forces your enemies to destroy it or take the long way around. This is particularly helpful if your enemy can’t double or triple jump. Meanwhile, her Ruinous Blast is a delayed explosion which causes damage and makes enemies vulnerable to more.

Star Child: Star Child is a bulky Freegunner who thrives at short range. His Rage Rush will let him close the distance as he barrels through his enemies while gaining increased defense. Meanwhile, his Power Slam is a devastating AOE melee attack. His weapon of choice is a shotgun, which is as dangerous as you’d expect at short range.

B Tier

Concord Lennox character selection
Image Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment via Twinfinite

Teo: Teo is a basic DPS character, who struggles somewhat by not really being the best at any one thing. He has two rifles to choose between and two different grenades. The cluster grenade is basic damage, and the smoke grenade obscures a small area for a short time. A well-placed smokescreen can cover your escape, or leave your enemies blinded as you pick them off.

Lennox: Lennox is a little tricky to get the hang of. He can switch between a fast revolver and a slow but powerful one, and he can reload faster while dodging. He has access to self-heal through his first skill. Meanwhile his second lets him launch an explosive knife at his opponent. While Lennox is undoubtedly powerful in the right hands, he also leaves something to be desired compared to those above him.

Roka: Roka is an agile Freegunner with a long-range missile launcher. She can quickly gain altitude through her triple jump and hover in place using one ability, before using her second to slam into her enemies for a devastating hit. However, this does leave her as something of a sitting duck, giving your enemies a chance to take you down quickly.

Lark: Lark is a solid supportive character. His ability to drop pods which buff any allies nearby while hindering enemies can prove to be a vital element of a match, and his transport pod ability lets him traverse the map in an instant. However, it can take some practice to use his weapon, the razorpod launcher, effectively.

C Tier

Concord Kyps Character Selection
Image Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment via Twinfinite

Kyps: On paper, Kyps is a powerful character, and her niche as the resident stealth expert is no doubt helpful. The issue is that while she can turn invisible, it only lasts a short while. A well-timed explosive or sustained fire can still hit her, and a persistent opponent can try and wait it out. Given Kyps’ low health pool, this does mean that while she may seem ideal for a solo approach, she’ll quickly find herself in trouble if caught. Apart from this, her disruption grenades damage shields and prevent opponents from using their abilities, and her surveillance trap will reveal the locations of any enemies that trigger them, so don’t write off this stealthy spy.

Daveers: Daveers excels at area control. Her missile launcher is deadly at any range, while her ability to create pools of self-immolating burnite can devastate enemies. She can also shoot a long-range fire dart to ignite any burnite, and allies can do the same with fire damage. However, Daveers is let down by her low health pool, so getting close enough to utilize burnite effectively will quickly land her in hot water.

We got an extended look at Concord in May’s State of Play. Check out what else was announced here. While you’re at it, why not check out our thoughts on the $40 price tag?

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Image of Lewis Rees
Lewis Rees
Lewis is an author and journalist based in Wales. His first novel, Wander, came out in 2017. Lewis is passionate about games, and has travelled to events worldwide to host and present panels at games conferences. In his spare time he loves reading, writing, and escape rooms.