One of the greatest parts of Remnant 2 is the sheer number of equipment pieces to find. Nothing ties a build together in this game more than rings can. If you want a certain aspect to your build, like enhancing health regeneration or melee damage, there’s a ring for that. However, some rings are certainly better than others, so we’ll help you figure out what you should be on the lookout for.
Remnant 2 Best Rings
These are presented alphabetically in the same order as the game’s equipment inventory.
Assassin’s Seal

This is a great ring if you focus on the Hunter archetype and prioritize sneaking around while being quiet. However, the full effectiveness is mostly seen through co-op. It still benefits Hunters the most, but having one partner draw all the enemy’s attention is incredibly useful while the other snipes from a distance and does extra damage.
Bloodless King’s Vow

One of the first things to look for in a new ring is how it adds to your current survivability. With this ring, you are situating yourself perfectly if you either have weapons with high fire rate and capacity or high damage. The Chicago Typewriter is a perfect weapon to pair with this ring, as you’re constantly getting enough health back to stay ahead of just about any damage.
Constant Variable Ring

This ring means more to Gunslingers than every other class, but it is no less terrific. Certain weapons (XMG57 “Bonesaw,” Cube Gun) aren’t only restricted by magazine size. Prolonged shooting with these guns has a secondary limiter in the form of overheating, which needs to be vented. While this can be a nuisance, this ring makes that overheat something you want to maintain rather than avoid.
Deep Pocket Ring

Ammo conservation in Remnant 2 is a tall order. While enemies consistently drop more, it feels like it goes out as quickly as it comes in. Thankfully, this ring helps mitigate some of this frustration by giving you an extra 25% ammo reserves. This ring is far more useful for players using fully automatic with larger magazines (XMG57 “Bonesaw,” Chicago Typewriter).
Defensive Action Loop

While the above ring is for high-capacity weapons, that isn’t the case for this ring. The benefits of this ring for reloading are much better for single-fire weapons. Pairing this ring with the Widowmaker long gun and Sureshot handgun that reloads after firing one round means this effect will keep activating.
Dran Memento

The double benefit of this ring cannot be overstated: 20 stamina coupled with the ability to wear heavier armor before hitting the weight caps. As the game progresses and you find better gear (with the downside of increased weight), this will be pretty much a necessity if you want to maintain quick dodging rolls.
Dread Front

Grey health is what you see after you get hit. By default, this will regenerate back into red health (assuming you don’t get hit), but it’s not all that fast. This ring gives you a boost of regeneration to turn grey health back into red. This can easily mean the difference between life and death and keep the next hit from being fatal.
Encrypted Ring

This is one of those rings that is either amazing or just okay, and that depends entirely on equipped Mods. If you use the Prismatic Driver, which potentially has a long usage cycle per charge, you will be getting a crazy amount of healing from this weapon. You want a mod with a large number of charges so you can use them as much or as little as you need for the free heal. Use this ring alongside something like the Fae Shaman Ring that also gives health regeneration, and you’re all set.
Endaira’s Endless Loop

As said, health regeneration is very important. This ring is a free method to obtaining full health without expending any relic charges, simply by sprinting. Sprinting during boss fights is likely to happen simply by reflex, but that’s not the best part. Outside of combat, you don’t spend stamina to do actions, so you can easily run in a circle (or just to the next fight) and be healing the whole time.
Fae Shaman Ring

Relic use speed is a massively important statistic. A 25% boost is something that you can’t exactly turn down, so once you find this right in Losomn, it’s unlikely to leave your equipped rings. If you double this up with the Glutton trait, you’re using it 55% faster. If you chose the medic archetype, it comes with a perk called Benefactor that will push this use speed faster than ever. Plus, the ring’s included health regen boost is welcomed.
Galvanized Resupply Band

If you stick with high-fire rate weapons, ammo quickly becomes a problem. The Gunslinger Archetype mitigates this somewhat, but it doesn’t always do the trick. Equipping this ring is the best way to counteract ever running out of ammo. Gaining potentially two magazines (at least) in one pickup is a terrific feeling, especially if you are being swarmed by enemies.
Guardian’s Ring

Damage reduction is also a key aspect of survival, and the Bulwalk buff gives players a 6% damage increase for the first stack (5% for the second and third). Usually, these buffs have a time limit, but this ring only requires being in close proximity to an enemy. Those who chose Challenger as their primary archetype will get plenty of use from this ring.
Reserve Boosting Gem

Even considering the best rings involve health generation, this one is still head and shoulders. A glance at the fact that it only heals .333 per second might make some ignore this ring, but its additional aspect should gain popularity. When you are hurting and below 50% max health, this ring super speeds up the health regen to 2 per second, almost guaranteeing that you’ll stay in decent shape to keep fighting.
Ring of the Robust

Similarly to the Dran Momento, the rings that directly grant an increase in key stats are excellent pieces of equipment to keep on you. Keeping the two together provides a terrific synergy by giving health, stamina, and increased armor without changing your encumbrance. Even alone, the Ring of Robust is a terrific ring to have equipped.
Tear of Kaeula

Increasing your relic uses usually requires finding well-hidden Simulacrum items. These can be hard to find and are too random to find reliably. This ring giving two whole relic uses for practically free is a huge benefit that no other ring can replicate. This ring can also be given to the NPC Meidre in Yaesha in exchange for the Sorrow handgun.
Hopefully, this will encourage you to be on the lookout for any of these phenomenal rings. Be on the lookout for more best equipment guides from us. In the meantime, check out the links below for more Remnant 2 assistance.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 8:56 PM UTC