Black Clover is a manga and anime that tells the story of a young orphan named Asta and his fellow orphan friend Yuno. Together they discover the intricacies of their Clover Kingdom after first joining the Black Bulls, who are one of the groups belonging to the Order of the Magic Knights. People born in this world have the sensitivity to mana, which allows them to utilize magical power. Unfortunately, Asta is one of the rare few who cannot use magic, so he decides to focus on his physical attributes, primarily his strength. Without further ado, here’s a full list of all characters in Black Clover.
All Black Clover Characters
Black Clover features a complex and extensive list of Royal houses, Magic Knights, Kingdoms, Elf tribes, Noble houses, and various characters in-between. The following list organizes all of the main hero characters currently revealed and where they belong in terms of class. And if you’re a fan of lists, you should check out the list of characters from the manhwa series How To Fight / Viral Hit.
Royal Houses
House Kira
- Augustus Kira Clover XIII
- Damnatio Kira
- Finesse Calmreich
House Silva
- Acier Silva
- Nozel Silva
- Nebra Silva
- Solid Silva
- Noelle Silva
- Paplo Espuma
House Vermillion
- Mereoleona Vermillion
- Fuegoleon Vermillion
- Leopold Vermillion
- Kirsch Vermillion
- Mimosa Vermillion
Noble Houses
House Adlai
- Gauche Adlai
- Marie Adlai
House Boismortier
- Rill’s mother
- Rill Boismortier
- Walter
House Faust
- Nacht Faust
- Morgen Faust
House Vaude
- Ledior Vaude
- Liliane Vaude
- Finral Roulacase
- Langris Vaude
- Finesse Calmreich
House Freese
- Lord Freese
- Karna Freese
Commoner Families
Agrippa Family
- Nathan Agrippa
- Jonna Agrippa
- Gordon Agrippa
- Roxanne Agrippa
- Nilenia Agrippa
- Nunnally
Magic Knight Squads
Aqua Deer
- Rill Boismortier
- Walter
- Fragil Tormenta
- Cesc
- Francis
- Eric
- Julius Novachrono
- Yami Sukehiro
- William Vangeance
- Marx Francois
- Cob Portaport
- Morgen Faust
Black Bull
- Yami Sukehiro
- Nacht Faust
- Asta
- Charmy Pappitson
- Gauche Adlai
- Zora Ideale
- Finral Roulacase
- Gordon Agrippa
- Noelle Silva
- Vanessa Enoteca
- Grey
- Magna Swing
- Luck Voltia
- Henry Legolant
- Secre Swallowtail
Blue Rose
- Charlotte Roselei
- Puli Angel
- Sol Marron
- Borja
- Wainsley
- Risacca Ondell
- Selena
- Galgaria
Coral Peacock
- Dorothy Unsworth
- Kirsch Vermillion
- Rick Cornell
- Dmitri Brint
- Medio
- Roland
- Brad
- Protobe Collina
Crimson Lion
- Fuegoleon Vermillion
- Mereoleona Vermillion
- Randall Luftair
- Ben Benfunk
- Gareth
- Rokken
- Ruben Chagar
- Leopold Vermillion
- Forte Gris
- Theresa Rapual
- Goht
- Salamander
Devil Banishers
- Dazu Tayak
- Bow Nocde
- Kabwe Carillon
- Siona Caverly
- Onoby Sinho
Golden Dawn
- William Vangeance
- Yuno Grinberryall
- Langris Vaude
- Alecdora Sandler
- Klaus Lunettes
- Mimosa Vermillion
- David Swallow
- Letoile Becquerel
- Sylph
- Siren Tium
- Hamon Caseus
Green Mantis
- Jack the Ripper
- En Ringard
- Willie
- Nix
- Sekke Bronzazza
Purple Orca
- Kaiser Granvorka
- Xerx Lugner
- Adrian
- Gaston
- Winston
- Digit Taliss
- Gueldre Poizot
- Revchi Salik
- Rades Spirito
- Zara Ideale
Silver Eagle
- Nozel Silva
- Rob Vitesse
- Curtis Warren
- Nebra Silva
- Nils Ragus
- Solid Silva
- Simon
- Kyle
- Acier Silva
- Mohl
Wizard King
- Lemiel Silvamillion Clover 1st
- Princia Funnybunny 11th
- Jester Garandros 16th
- Edward Avalaché 20th
- Conrad Leto 27th
- Julius Novachrono 28th
- Marx Francois
- Jamo
- Owen
- Cob Portaport
- Lily Aquaria
- Orsi Orfai
- Recca
- Nash
- Aruru
- Hollo
- Drouot
- Salim Hapshass
- Seihi
- Nick
- Anna
- Abra
- Babra
- Cabra
- Dabra
- Fifth bandit
- Luck’s mother
- Elica
- Ellen
- Rebecca Scarlet
- Aphro
- Phati
- Marco Scarlet
- Marie Adlai
- Theresa Rapual
- Neige
- Baro
- Balmain
- Karen Lapis
- Eliza Zakkeroni
- Ina
- Ina’s father
- Kaito
- Kaito’s father
- Makusa North
- Gepard
- Vide
- Meshu
- Maggie
- Richita
- Millie Maxwell
Eye of the Midnight Sun
- Patolli
- Rhya
- Vetto
- Fana
- Rades Spirito
- Valtos
- Sally
- Fana
- Heath Grice
- Fluss
- Catherine
- George
- Abari
- Zarick
- Zuta
- Toike
- Shidan
Diamond Kingdom
- Mars
- Ladros
- Ragus
- Broccos
- Yagos
- Galleo
- Mohawq
- Fana
- Fanzell Kruger
- Dominante Code
- Mariella
- Moris Libardirt
- Lotus Whomalt
Heart Kingdom
- Lolopechka
- Undine
- Gadjah
- Potrof
- Floga
- Smurik
- Sarado
Spade Kingdom
Dark Disciples
- Gaderois Godroc
- Foyal Migusteau
- Svenkin Gatard
- Sivoir Snyle
- Halbet Chevour
- Hischer Ongg
- Robero Ringert
House Grinberryall
- Loyce Grinberryall
- Ciel Grinberryall
- Yuno Grinberryall
- Lily Aquaria
- Heath Grice
- Yrul
- Moris Libardirt
- Lotus Whomalt
- Allen Fiarain
- Albert
- Ralph Niaflem
Zogratis Siblings
- Lucius Zogratis
- Dante Zogratis
- Vanica Zogratis
- Zenon Zogratis
Elf Tribe
- Licht
- Tetia
- Lira
- Charla
- Reve
- Drowa
- Rossa
- Ado
- Kivn
- Baval
- Ratri
- Ronne
- Lufulu
- Eclat
- Dryad
- Patolli
- Rhya
- Vetto
- Fana
- Sylph
- Salamander
- Undine
Hino Country
- Ryudo Ryuya
- Yami Ichika
- Hanegatsuji Jozo
- O’oka Daizaemon
- Imari Komari
- Kezokaku Ginnojomorifuyu
- Mushogatake Yosuga
- Tenmanyashiki Fujio
- Mikuriya Fumito
- Yami Sukehiro
- Yami Clan
Seabed Temple
- Gifso
- Gio
- Kahono
- Kiato
Witches’ Forest
- Witch Queen
- Akimo
- Samantha Kravitz
- Elvira Aguirre
- Dorothy Unsworth
- Vanessa Enoteca
- Catherine
- Dominante Code
Now that you have this to reference, you are fully aware of all characters from Black Clover listed in an easy to navigate and read format. If you’re catching up on the series, we also answer a spoiler-y question: does Asta ever gets magic abilities or not in Black Clover? And if you’re a seasoned fan of the Black Clover series, go ahead and test your knowledge in our hardest Black Clover quiz that you’ll ever take!
Published: Feb 5, 2023 10:08 pm