best fan-made video game demakes, zelda

6 Incredible Video Game Demasters You Need to See to Believe

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Around the time that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild launched and blew all of our minds, Nintendo Wire created a Game Boy Color demake of the massive action-adventure game and it’s absolutely brilliant.

Now, unfortunately, this was just a short video that was created –the game isn’t playable in any sense, but it’s still worth swooning over regardless.

The video shows us the opening moments of the game when Link steps out of a dark cave and looks upon the vast land of Hyrule (and yes, that amazing theme music plays as well, but with a chiptune remix).

Everyone seems to ask for older games to be remade in high-quality graphics with modern controls, but who cares about that? I want a demake of Breath of the Wild just like this one.

Super Mario Odyssey

2D Mario titles usually play it safe when it comes to the gameplay mechanics and level progression system.

You run to the right side of the screen by grabbing on a flag pole and then move on to the next level. But what if the hat mechanic from Super Mario Odyssey was translated over into a new 2D Mario title?

This playable demake of Mario Odyssey looks like your typical Mario title but there are a ton of little updates that give Mario a lot more verticality and movement options.

Wall jumps are quicker than usual, you can collect power moons that are scattered across the level, and Mario can even throw his hat to perform sweet aerial techniques. I’m all for Nintendo to revolutionize the 2D Mario titles because right now, New Super Mario Bros. doesn’t feel all that new.

If you want to check out this demake of Super Mario Odyssey, you can find more info about it right here.

Final Fantasy XI

With Final Fantasy XIV taking the spotlight as of late, especially considering that the newest expansion is now out, it’s strange to see somebody release a de-made version of Final Fantasy XI for the Game Boy, but it’s here and it’s amazing.

This 8-bit MMORPG is surprisingly playable with 30 areas and over 20 songs from the original game and plays sort of like a visual novel with a few combat scenarios.

For more info on this one, you can check out Kit Farman’s YouTube channel right here.

Luigi’s Mansion

The Luigi’s Mansion series has never been developed with a 2D gameplay style in mind and why would Nintendo ever do that?

The motion of using two control sticks to suck in a variety of ghosts feels so good in a 3D space so you would think that it wouldn’t translate over to a 2D space very well, but this demake proves that Luigi’s Mansion still looks brilliant in 16-bit.

If Luigi’s Mansion was ever created as Game Boy Advance game, then it would look exactly like this. This playable demake plays like an actual Metroidvania with Luigi traversing a map, fighting bosses, and solving puzzles.

You can find more info on this Luigi’s Mansion demake right here.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This demake of the Nintendo 64 classic, Ocarina of Time, has been in the works for years now and if you watch the trailer that we shared above, you can see why.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2D is a faithful recreation of the 3D adventure game but demade from the ground up with 16-bit graphics, resembling an art style that’s very similar to A Link to the Past.

You start off as Link in Kokiri Forest just like the N64 game and go on to begin your adventure by speaking to the big ol’ Deku Tree, including heading into the first dungeon.

The areas in the demake look exactly like its 3D counterpart and if you’ve played Ocarina of Time before, you will immediately begin to see the familiar sights, settings and boss fights that made Ocarina of Time such a masterpiece.

It seems that the development process has slowed down, with the total progress completion sitting at around 20%, but if you’re interested in checking it out so far, you can do so right here.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Nintendo Wire seems to love creating these fantastic demakes of iconic scenes from Nintendo games and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is one of them.

That wonderfully animated CG opening for the single-player story mode in Smash Ultimate, World of Light, shows off most of the characters in the large roster fighting off (and ultimately failing) tons of Master Hands and a mysterious threat.

This Game Boy Color demake is a super-creative reimagining of the two-minute cutscene and we get to see our favorite heroes like Sonic, Link, and Pikachu, taking one for the team –even in the retro art style, it’s still sad to see them fall to their doom.

It’s a shame that Super Smash Bros. never went handheld until the 3DS version of the fourth game in the series, but boy, I wonder how a real Game Boy iteration of Smash Bros. would have looked.

Are there any other amazing video game demakes that you guys wanted to share with us? Feel free to shoot us a comment down below!

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Image of Greysun Morales
Greysun Morales
Greysun was formerly the Features Editor at Twinfinite and wrote for the site from 2017 to 2020. He eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen