Diablo 4 is a game that has many different quests to take part in. During its beginning stages, the players must make their way into the city of Kyovashad in order to complete the first questline of the game. However, when they get there, they have a strange task presented to them; that they must cleanse themselves of their sins if they want to gain entry. Here is how players can inscribe the Holy Cedar Tablet and cast off their sins to enter Kyovashad in Diablo 4.
How Players Can Use The Holy Cedar Tablet In Kyovashad In Diablo 4
When players first approach the gate of Kyovashad, they are met by the guards who inform them that if they want to gain entry they will need to participate in a ritual of cleansing their sins. This means that you will need to write your sins upon a Holy Cedar Tablet and then set it ablaze.
However, it can be a bit confusing because you are required to backtrack out of the town to locate the next objective, which you will find to the left of the path. Once there, players will need to pick up the Holy Cedar Tablet and choose from one of the five different options to cleanse their preferred sin:
- Fear
- Pride
- Anger
- Greed
- Or write “nothing but scribbles”

After choosing their preferred sin, they should place it into the fire to burn. Next, they will need to return to the guard and inform him of their choice. No matter which choice they pick, they will be permitted entry and will be able to complete the quest after inscribing their sins on the Holy Cedar Tablet.
For more tips and tricks for Diablo 4, including builds and walkthroughs, check out our guides section here.
Published: Mar 17, 2023 07:56 pm