When it comes to eliminating the Order of the Ancients, it can be a challenging task considering the amount of security and secrecy these villains are always packing. For Basim in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, this will require plenty of legwork and investigation before these targets can be located and ultimately meet the end of a Hidden Blade. However, it doesn’t always require perfect stealth or wanton killing to get these targets out in the open, sometimes, you can just walk right into the same room as them. This guide on what disguises are in Assassin’s Creed Mirage will explain.
Disguises in Assassin’s Creed Mirage Explained
Disguises, as the name suggests, allow Basim to become invisible even in plain sight. Donning the right disguises in the right places will enable the protagonist to move around much more freely without the need to hide in the shadows or assassinate every guard that looks his way. Unfortunately, this useful mechanic is only ever used twice in the entire game, but it is still important to know how to take advantage of the opportunity when it arises.

Those occasions will come when it is time to hunt down Al-Rabisu during the House of Wisdom questline, as well as the investigations into uncovering the true identity of Al-Bahamut. During the course of these missions, players will spot an orange hooded icon when investigating potential avenues to get closer to the targets. This is how the two disguises can be found.
The White Patient Robe will allow Basim to get near Al-Rabisu, posing as a test subject, making the final kill a procession once the target gets near. As players head into the dungeons, there will be a cell to the side along the main path; enter it to find a body where the disguise can be obtained, and equip via the inventory to begin the subterfuge.
As for Al-Bahumut, the Eunuch Tunic disguise will allow our hero to move around the location much more freely so as to gather even more information to allow for a potential kill. Once the game tasks players with the mission of getting into the harem, use Enkidu to scout the nearby area for opportunities. This should reveal an Eunuch Tunic being worked on nearby by a tailor, parkour your way up there and grab it to kick things off.

Even in disguises, it is important that players don’t do anything outwardly suspicious. Keep a good distance away from guards, don’t be aggressive, and you will be generally left alone. Of course, if you get spotted, the disguises will lose their utility, making it harder to infiltrate these places properly.
That’s all there is to know about what disguises are in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. For more help, be sure to peruse the related content below, or search Twinfinite for more tips and tricks.
Published: Oct 4, 2023 10:32 pm