The Dark Pictures Anthology is back with another narrative-driven adventure, Little Hope. Following on from last year’s spooky adventure out on the high seas in Man of Medan, the latest entry sees a number of college students stranded in the creepy town of Little Hope, a locale with a notorious history of witch hunting in the 17th century. Will they all make it out alive, or perish amidst the spooky goings on? It’s all down to you. If you’re looking to get all 1000 Gamerscore or the Platinum trophy, then you’ll probably be wondering what the Little Hope trophies and achievements list looks like. Here’s everything you need to know.
All Trophies/ Achievements in Little Hope
There are 31 trophies in Little Hope, and 30 achievements on the Xbox One. The additional trophy is the Platinum trophy players will earn for unlocking the other 30 trophies. You can check out the trophy and achievement list, complete with description, trophy rarity and Gamerscore value below.
There are some additional ‘secret’ or ‘hidden’ achievements and trophies in Little Hope. We’ve listed these separately below, so if you’re looking to enjoy the game spoiler-free, you may want to turn back now.
Keep in mind that you’ll need to play through the game at least twice in order to get all the trophies/ achievements on offer in the game. Multiple playthroughs may be required if you’re not able to save or kill all characters in your two playthroughs, as these are key to unlocking a lot of the achievements and trophies on offer in the game.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is available now on PC, Xbox One and PS4.
Published: Nov 2, 2020 10:03 am