After Jill leaves the Subway for the first time as she attempts to restore power, she’ll pass through an area that houses a clock tower memorial monument. If you’ve examined the monument then you’ll notice it appears to require three colored items to operate. Here are all the jewel locations (Fancy Boxes) for the monument and what items you’ll receive for each in Resident Evil 3 Remake.
All Jewel Locations in Resident Evil 3 Remake
As you’ll likely have noted from examining the monument, there are sockets for three colored items to be placed. These are actually jewels and they are found within Fancy Boxes, which are scattered across the Downtown area.
Each Jewel can be put into its socket individually and will reward you with one item each (more on that later). Importantly, the items are missable, in the sense that once you leave Downtown you cannot return. To get all three you will need to have found the Fire Hose, Lockpick, and Bolt Cutters.
Red Jewel Location

The Red Jewel is found in the Donut Shop safe room. You will get the Tactical Shotgun Parts once it is plugged into the Monument.
Blue Jewel Location

The Blue Jewel is found in the Supermarket located in the middle of the Downtown map. Requires Bolt Cutters to open. You will get a Hip Pouch for plugging this into the Monument, extending your inventory by two slots.
Green Jewel Location

The Green Jewel is found in Uncle Tony’s Toy Shop, which you’ll need a lockpick to open. You will get a hand grenade for plugging the Green Jewel into the Monument.
That is everything there is to know about where all the jewel locations (Fancy Boxes) for the monument are and what items you’ll receive for each in Resident Evil 3 Remake.
Do keep in mind that there’s a good chance you’ll be under pressure from Nemesis as you attempt to get at least one of the Jewels, but they are absolutely worth taking the time to get.
For more handy tips and guides, Twinfinite’s extensive guide wiki specifically for the game has everything you need.
Published: Apr 3, 2020 4:02 AM UTC