This past week Bungie sent out a poll to Destiny 2 players to vote for which Festival of the Lost (FOTL) armor set they wanted this year, with the choices being either the Spider armor or Beetle armor. In the latest TWAB, the results were revealed.
This year Bungie decided to change how players could participate. Previously, everyone would vote as a collective community on which set they wanted to be featured for the Festival of the Lost that year. As an example, last year, everyone voted for the Mech armor set.
This year, Bungie allowed each class to vote for which option they wanted. With a whopping 75% from each class, Titans and Hunters went with the Spider armor set, and Warlocks nearly split the vote, 49% to 51%, with the Beetle armor taking the win. Each set looks absolutely amazing and a real upgrade from previous FOTL sets in previous years.
However, this does beg the question of when we’ll get the other FOTL armor choices that were a part of votes in years past that didn’t win. Bungie stated that the sets that fell short would eventually make it into the game, but that was two years ago, and we have yet to receive the Monster set that previously lost. Either way, Hunters and Titans are becoming Spiders, while Warlocks will embrace the way of the Beetle when October arrives.
Published: Feb 9, 2023 11:15 PM UTC