One of the many ways Sonic Frontiers separates itself from past Sonic games is a focus on combat. The latest trailer for Sonic Frontiers gives players a better look at how combat works. Rather than just relying on the Spin-Dash and Homing Attack from prior installments, Sonic will have access to several different combat abilities.
This time around, Sonic Frontiers will have a skill tree system that allows players to unlock a plethora of moves by spending a new currency called “Skill Pieces” that drop from defeated foes. Some of the new moves shown off include the Phantom Rush, which activates when Sonic’s combo meter maxes out, allowing our hero to strike enemies at Super Speed.
We also got a better grasp of the Cyloop ability, which is used to get rid of an enemy’s shield, collect rings you lost in combat and solve some puzzles. Sonic will also have the power to dodge and parry incoming attacks, allowing you a chance to counter them.
Along with skill points, Sonic can collect red and blue orbs that allow you to increase his attack and defense, respectively.
Finally, the new trailer gave us a glimpse of some of the new Guardian bosses you’ll have to defeat. One Guardian, in particular, will have you grinding while using the Cyloop power to destroy its shield so you can lay the smackdown on its core.
Sonic Frontiers will arrive on all major platforms this year on Nov. 8, 2022. For more on Sonic Frontiers, check our impressions of the game.
Published: Oct 13, 2022 6:18 PM UTC