Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero sees the return of Goku’s old enemies, the Red Ribbon Army. The villains have been a recurring threat in the world of Dragon Ball and are best known for the creation of the androids. They were last seen in Arc System Work’s acclaimed fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ where they were led by the mysterious Android 21. Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama had a hand in the creation of Android 21, and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero implies that her links to the RR Army are deeper than we thought. Here’s everything we know about whether Android 21 is in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Is Android 21 Canon in Super Dragon Ball Heroes?
Android 21 appears in an infographic when Carmine is explaining Dr. Hedo’s family tree to the new leader of the Red Ribbon Army, Magenta. The scene may not seem all that important in the grand scheme of things but it delivers on a plot thread that was first set up in Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Not much is known about the past of Android 21, but it’s heavily implied that she’s based on a human template, much like androids 17 and 18. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero confirms the long-held theory that the human template of Android 21, Vomi, was in fact the wife of the Red Ribbon Army’s chief scientist, Dr. Gero.
The infographic further confirms that Android 21’s template is the mother of Gevo, the human template of Android 16, which explains the mother-son relationship that the two shared in Dragon Ball FighterZ. While Toriyama was responsible for the design of Android 21, the story of Dragon Ball FighterZ is not considered canon. However, with the introduction of Android 21’s template Vomi, it’s entirely possible that she could make a return in canon storylines in the franchise’s future.
Who is Android 21?
For those that didn’t get around to playing Dragon Ball FighterZ, Android 21 is introduced as the main antagonist of that game. She is ultimately responsible for the cloning of the Z Fighters and their enemies, usurping Cell as the ultimate Red Ribbon Army android in the process.
Android 21 has intelligence that rivals Dr. Gero as well as the cells of the Z Fighters and their most powerful adversaries, including Majin Buu. This makes Android 21 a formidable opponent for Goku and the Z Fighters; her only weakness is an insatiable hunger as a result of her cells running rampant, which causes her to split her personality into good and evil halves.
Since then, Android 21 has become a recurring presence in Dragon Ball games and has appeared in titles such as Dragon Ball Legends and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
That’s everything we know about whether Android 21 is in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Be sure to check out the rest of Twinfinite’s coverage of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Published: Aug 22, 2022 7:06 PM UTC