Lucky Balls are a new item introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and they help to add a little more flair and excitement to the existing lottery system. Here’s how to get them, and what they do in the game.
Getting Lucky Balls in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
The only way to get Lucky Balls in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is by playing the lottery. After you complete a quest, there’s a 20% chance that a sale will get activated at the Elgado General Store, allowing you to participate in the lottery system.
Speak with the General Store NPC to play the lottery to win a random prize (these can range from recovery to trap items to help you during hunts), and in doing so, you’ll have a chance of getting a Lucky Ball as well.

In short, the best way to get Lucky Balls is to just keep completing quests to try to trigger a sale. This will allow you to keep participating in the lottery whenever it comes up, increasing your chances of getting a Lucky Ball to earn more prizes.
What Lucky Balls Do
Upon obtaining a Lucky Ball, you’ll then be able to accrue points for a chance to win even more prizes. During this process, you also have a small chance of getting a Boosting Ball, which applies a score multiplier of 2, 4, or 8.

The more points you get with the Lucky Ball, the more prizes you get. As far as we can tell, these prizes are also random and are mostly consumable items for you to use during your hunts.
That means it’s not the end of the world even if you don’t get a Lucky Ball — just think of them as a nice bonus on top of the regular lottery prizes you’ve already obtained.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Lucky Balls in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Be sure to check out the rest of our Sunbreak coverage as well, including a breakdown of how to increase your Master Rank, and a look at some of the gear you can get in this expansion.
Published: Jun 30, 2022 5:48 AM UTC