Despite the name Diablo Immortal, this free-to-play spinoff from the main ARPG series does not necessarily take that long to beat the main story. Of course, there is plenty of other content like Battle Pass activities, PvP combat, endgame grinding, and more to get into, but for players chasing after the main story, there is a definite end to things, at least at this stage. If you are wondering how long does it take to beat Diablo Immortal, read on for the answer.
How Long Does It Take To Beat Diablo Immortal
As mentioned, the main story is not exactly a done deal just yet, but if you are looking to reach the end of things as they are, it should take you about 8 to 10 hours to finish the story in Diablo Immortal.
However, for those looking to reach the max level cap of 60 in order to fully enjoy the endgame content found in the game, you are looking at upwards of about 20 to 24 hours. Then you can start diving deeper into the different dungeons, raids, rifts, and even dabble in PvP.
All of these will change depending on if you are playing solo, in a group, or actively using microtransactions to make your journey a little easier. Even at max level, there is still the Paragon system in play, so you can chase after that to sink even more hours in Diablo Immortal.
That is all you need to know about how long does it take to beat Diablo Immortal. For even more useful tips and tricks about the game, be sure to search Twinfinite or check out other related content below.
Published: Jun 7, 2022 3:35 AM UTC