Popular shonen anime usually contain main casts that you can’t help but root for. Occasionally, you’ll find one that gets you equally as invested in its side characters. My Hero Academia belongs in that latter category thanks to its B-plots where the side characters shine even brighter than the mains.
My Hero Academia isn’t afraid to focus on the side characters for extended periods of time, making you completely forget about whatever it is the main cast may be up to.
In this anime, the world is full of heroes, villains, and regular civilians that’ll pop up from time to time.
Is your memory good enough to remember the ones that show up, only to disappear shortly after?
Put on your hero (or villain) suit, and get ready to test your knowledge of the side characters in My Hero Academia.
And if you end up liking this quiz, we have a bunch more for you right here.
(Images courtesy of Crunchyroll)
Published: Dec 8, 2020 09:54 am