Choosing the most optimal group of Pokemon for battle is always a tough job. Even with a smaller number of options in Pokemon Masters, it can be a tough decision. Here’s everything you need to know about the best sync pairs for your team in Pokemon Masters.
Best Sync Pairs for Your Team in Pokemon Masters
The Sync Pairs in Pokemon Masters are split up into four defined roles. They are Strike (Physical), Strike (Special), Support, and Tech. Each has an important role to play in leading you to victory. That means we’ll give you the five best Pokemon for each role.
Best Strike (Physical) Sync Pairs
The physical role is ruled by Mega Pokemon. These boosted ‘mons are popular in other roles too, but you just can’t beat the raw power of a Mega Pokemon.
- Steven & Mega Metagross
If you’re looking for an absolute powerhouse, then look no further than Mega Metagross. If its base attack isn’t enough for you, then you can even use its X Attack move to raise it even further. What’s more, Best There Is! will raise your defense, make your next attack crit, and let Mega Metagross endure the next hit.
- Noland & Mega Pinsir
Mega Pinsir is another overwhelmingly powerful Pokemon, but you need to learn how to use it properly. Fury Cutter starts out weak but gains power in consecutive uses. That means any speed boosts or attack boosts need to be used before Fury Cutter so you don’t break your combo.
- Wally & Mega Gallade
Mega Gallade can deal out massive amounts of damage before your opponent can even respond. And that’s a good thing because Mega Gallade doesn’t have great Def or Sp. Def stats. On top of that, Close Combat will lower those stats further. Use this Sync Pair carefully.
- Cynthia & Mega Garchomp
If you’re using Mega Garchomp you’ll also want to check out Palossand since Garchomp can get massive crit and speed boosts during a Sandstorm. But even without that strategy, Garchomp has a massive upside thanks to high base attack and base speed.
- Korrina & Mega Lucario
Mega Lucario is another fragile physical attacker, but it’s a beast if protected properly. Power-Up Punch combined with Dire Hit and Skate on Through! will give Mega Lucario massive boosts in attack, speed, and crit chance. It’ll make this Fighting/Steel-type ridiculously strong.
Best Strike (Special) Sync Pairs
Again, we find mostly Mega Pokemon in the Strike (Special) role, but this time standard Mewtwo and Infernape make it into the mix.
- Blue & Mega Pidgeot
Mega Pidgeot is a fantastic Special attacker as long as its moves hit. Hurricane only lands 70% of the time, but Smell Ya Later! can boost Pidgeot’s accuracy along with its evasiveness and crit rate. But if Hurricane is too risky for you, then Air Slash is a solid special move with a high crit rate.
- Sygna Suit Red & Mega Charizard X
Mega Charizard X is just a pure wrecking ball made out of fire. My Destiny! will boost Sp. Atk and attack and Piercing Gaze makes sure that Heat Wave (90% accuracy) or any attack never misses. Move Gauge Refresh 4 can also let Mega Charizard X use Heat Wave more often by recharging its gauge every time a move lands.
- Giovanni & Mewtwo
Mewtwo doesn’t have any notable buffs outside of Nowhere to Hide! which boosts evasiveness and crit chance. But its Sp. Atk stat is so good that it truly doesn’t need buffs to take out your opponents. Psychic and Shadow Ball can both lower an opponent’s Sp. Def which only makes Mewtwo more dangerous.
- Karen & Mega Houndoom
Woof, this Pokemon is one incredible special striker. Entertain Me! sacrifices HP to boost Sp. Atk, but it has enough Def and Sp. Def for this to not be a major issue. Then Dire Hit + and Dark Pulse make for a dangerous combo that can raise your Crit chance drastically while making the opponent flinch.
- Clint & Infernape
It’s weird to think of Infernape as a special striker, but it’s actually one of the best options in Pokemon Masters. Fire Blast is one of the best Fire-type moves in the game. Combining that with We’re on Fire! and Dire hit to boost Atk and Crit chance will make short work of almost any opponent.
Best Support Sync Pairs
Support Sync Pairs need typically two things to be successful: longevity and the ability to buff teammates. With enough stat boosts your team can become unstoppable and if the support stays out there, but that can’t happen unless the Support Sync Pair can handle a few hits.
- Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom
Rotom is surprisingly bulky for its size. It has some of the highest Def and Sp. Def stats in all of Pokemon Masters. That means it’ll be able to stay active for a long time to support your team with boosts to Sp. Atk, Accuracy, and Crit chance.
- Sabrina & Mega Alakazam
Mega Alakazam is a fantastic Sp. Def wall and gives your whole team useful Def buffs. But it’s not just a defensive booster. Mega Alakazam can also increase Crit chance, Sp. Atk, accuracy, and recover HP. It’s a Support jack-of-all-trades that can easily fit on any team.
- Misty & Starmie
Start out with Catch Us If You Can! to give your whole team an evasiveness boost. It’ll also let one of your Pokemon heal itself over time, which can be useful for any walls that you have set up. Starmie isn’t as versatile as some other Supports, but Healing Hand 2 gives it the ability to heal any status ailments affecting your team. This makes it one of the best free Sync Pairs.
- Player & Torchic
While Torchic isn’t as bulky as some of the other Supports, it makes up for it in its versatility of buffs. X Attack All gives it the ability to massively boost the Atk stat of your whole team and Blazing Hope! will raise your whole team’s Sp. Atk and Crit chance. Best of all, you don’t need to spend any gems or money to obtain this Sync Pair.
- Phoebe & Dusknoir
Dusknoir is a massive Sp. Def and Def wall. The main strategy here is to use Dusknoir’s HP and overall bulk as a means for boosting your team. Dire Hit All + boost Crit chance while Unbreakable Bonds! boosts Atk and move gauges based upon how low your HP is. You get the biggest boost while at 33% or lower. Double Edge can help burn HP quickly and Pass It On will give your next Sync Pair half of Dusknoir’s stat boosts after it faints.
Best Tech Sync Pairs
Tech Sync Pairs play that fun in-between role that you don’t quite get with Strikers or Support. Techs can still support the team with stat buffs and attack, but their main focus is on actions like inflicting status conditions, setting up weather, or debuffing opponents.
- Serena & Delphox
This is one of the best Tech Sync Pairs in all of Pokemon Masters. The combination of Hypnosis and GO Viral 9 is ridiculous since it can put a whole team to sleep. And then Delphox can even wipe them with Mystical Fire of Positivity since it’s even stronger when the target is sleeping. And then there’s Stat Leech which can debuff an opponent’s stat and buff itself by the same amount.
- Acerola & Palossand
As mentioned before, Palossand is fantastic with Garchomp since it can set up Sandstorm. But that’s not all it’s good for. It also has the ability to draw attacks away from your other Sync Pairs while slowly healing itself with the move Over Here! It can also be impervious to stat decreases while Sandstorm is active thanks to Sand Fortress.
- Prof. Oak & Mew
Mew is well-known in the mainline games for being able to learn any HM or TM. They managed to fit that into the game through the skill Oak’s Research. Any time Mew uses a Sync move it’ll replace different moves. But we don’t want to make Mew lose A World of Dreams since it can sharply raise any stat. Fortunately, you can’t lose Unfortuitous 9, which can lower any opponent’s stat each time mew lands an attack.
- Crasher Wake & Floatzel
This Sync Pair is all about messing with your opponents. Floatzel has attacks like Waterfall and Water Pulse which can cause flinching or inflict confusion. And Aggravation 1 only increases the chance that moves will inflict those conditions. Then wrap up this solid Tech choice with Dire Hit + and CRASH! to boost Crit chance and Sp. Atk.
- Flannery & Torkoal
This Sync Pair has good Def, Sp. Def, and Sp. Atk stats, but that’s not what makes it great. First of all, Torkoal has the skill Impervious, which nullifies any debuffs. Then the combo of X Sp. Atk, Will-O-Wisp, Too Hot To Handle!, and Firey Passion Overheat can inflict some truly ridiculous damage. First, you’ll boost your Sp. Atk, then burn the opponent, followed by boosting your Crit chance and finally unleashing a Sync Move that increases in strength when the target is burned.
That’s all there is to know about the best Sync Pairs in Pokemon Masters for now.
As new ones are added to the game, these lists will surely change. But hopefully, you now have a better idea of who you can add to your team in order to optimize your lineup. If you want to learn anything else about this game, then just check out our Pokemon Masters Guide Wiki.
Published: Aug 26, 2020 9:04 PM UTC