The grind never stops in the Sims universe, even for those who try to make a living in the comfort of their own home. Whether it be through gardening or the newest at-home cooking feature, there’s always a way to make a hefty amount of Simoleons without the need for the handy Motherlode cheat. We’re here to help you on this hustling journey by showing you how to get prepped ingredients in The Sims 4.
The Sims 4 Prepped Ingredients: How to Make Then and What They Do, Explained
To prep ingredients in The Sims 4, select ‘Prep Ingredients…’ with the ChowBella Stand Mixer from the Home Chef Hustle Stuff pack. You can find this item in the Buy Mode’s Kitchen Appliances section with a price of 750 Simoleons.

Prepping ingredients reduces the duration of cooking, makes the process much cheaper, and improves the meal’s quality. You can tell which recipes use these specific ingredients by ticking off the checkbox when choosing a meal. Players can also note down what items are needed for the prep, including dough for pizza and batter for waffles.

Once you jotted down the suitable ingredients, start the procedure with the Stand Mixer and wait a few minutes until it is done. It can spoil after some time, so be sure to grab it as soon as possible or you may end up stinking up the kitchen with the spoiled products. Your Sim will automatically store the items in their inventory when interacting with the mixer, and you can either use it for the dish now or place it in the refrigerator for later.
I tested out the Plain Waffles recipe with and without the Prepped Ingredients and noticed that the former brings the cost down to zero and speeds up the cooking process. However, more advanced dishes won’t be completely free, as their cost will only be reduced to a certain amount.

With all this in mind, I highly recommend using this Home Chef Hustle feature when available, especially if you love the cooking side of The Sims 4. It makes the experience feel much more realistic while also helping you with money and food quality in the long run.
Now that you know how to get Prepped Ingredients in The Sims 4, you can learn more about the game by checking out the current list of expansion packs or exploring the relevant links below.
Published: Oct 4, 2023 12:36 pm