There are quite a few traits to choose from in Starfield, and they all come with some sort of downside or disadvantage. Because of that, it’s important for you to know just what you’re getting into before committing. Here’s everything you need to know about the Kid Stuff trait in Starfield.
How the Kid Stuff Trait Works in Starfield
It’s pretty self-explanatory, but the main thing you need to know about Starfield‘s Kid Stuff trait is that each week, you’ll automatically send home 2% of your total Credits. This is one of the traits we recommend going with, simply because 2% isn’t a lot of money, plus you get some fringe benefits from picking this one.
How to Get Sir Livingstone’s Pistol
For starters, you’ll gain access to Sir Livingstone’s Pistol when you visit your parent’s house on Jemison, as pictured below:

It may not be the best weapon in the game by any means, but ammo for it is easy to come by, and also pretty cheap to purchase from vendors. In addition to that, it’s also one of the better weapons in the early game.
In addition to that, you’ll also get to visit your parents in Jemison. They don’t really provide any tangible gameplay benefits, but it’s nice to check in with them every once in a while, and they help to flesh out your story and character, while also keeping you apprised of what’s going on in town.
Where to Find Your Parents in Jemison
To find your parents, take the NAT to the Residential District, then turn right to find the Pioneer Tower.

Head into the elevator and go up to the family apartments, then turn left and enter the first door you see.
Here, you’ll get to talk to both your parents while also taking anything you may need from the apartment.

It’s worth noting that it is possible to remove the Kid Stuff trait by talking to your dad as well. You can tell him that you don’t think you’ll be able to keep sending money home, and this will allow you to keep that extra 2% with no visible downsides.
That’s all you need to know about how the Kid Stuff trait works in Starfield. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Sep 3, 2023 05:39 am