Sega, during a SXSWGaming dedicated to the future of Sonic the Hedgehog, revealed an enhanced version of Sonic Mania, called Sonic Mania Plus.
Sonic Mania Plus will include the following:
- A physical packaged release, which includes deluxe package AKA a holographic slip cover, reversible Genesis sleeve, and a 32-page Sonic Mania Art Book.
- Two new classic playable characters, Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel.
- An all-new “Encore Mode” designed for players that have beaten the game and want to further explore each level.
- Competition Mode expanded to four players.
They also revealed the price for the full physical version, $29.99 and suggested that there would be a cheaper digital version available for those that just want to upgrade their current version. It will be available on all current platforms.
Sonic Mania Plus will be out at some point this summer, roughly a year from its release last year. Sonic Mania was the highest rated Sonic game in years, and received very positive reviews from both critics and fans, including a rare 5/5 from Twinfinite.
Are you interested in picking up Sonic Mania again, or at least picking up the digital version to try out the two new characters? let us know in the comments below.
Published: Mar 16, 2018 10:01 PM UTC