delayed, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda Story and Ending Explained

A new beginning.

The Remnant City, Jardaan, and the True Origins of the Angara

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Mass Effect™: Andromeda_20170323183730

After discovering the fate of the various Arks and getting the information you can from the Archon’s ship. It’s time to head towards Meridian. The machine planet is being guarded by a Kett ship that is impossible to beat with the Tempest. But with the help of the Pathfinders, a plan that has to do with ghosting technology (just think really advanced stealth), you’re able to get past the Kett and land on what is believed to be Meridian.

It’s like one huge Vault, with tons of Remnant security and plenty of puzzles to be solved. In order to access the central controls, though, you’ll need to interact with two towers that hold powerful revelations within. It turns out that the Remnant aren’t just some cybernetic race. It was created by a highly intelligent alien race called the Jardaan. Even more interesting is the fact that as you move through the city, you start to realize that the Remnant language, the language of the Jardaan, looks a lot like the Angaran language.

As if finding out that the Kett were using the Angarans to create the Chosen wasn’t a hard enough blow against their people, it turns out that their entire race was created by the Jardaan. It’s not clear why they were created, that isn’t really explored in Mass Effect: Andromeda, though we expect it to be explained in later entries. What is clear is that they were being tailored to survive in harsh environments as the vaults slowly cleaned the planets up. We’re not sure if this is some really long experiment, or if perhaps the Angaran are a lot like the Jardaan and this is how they were working to survive. Either way, finding out you were created by machines, which were created by another group of aliens weighed hard on the Angaran people.

Continuing through the city shows that it is not Meridian, but Meridian was here. Meridian was the core of this machine city but was purged so that it could escape the Scourge. The Scourge is the fallout of a weapon used against the Remnant city. It creates warps in space and time, bridging points and destroying much of what it touches but it’s drawn to anything Remnant-related. It’s not stated exactly who the Jardaan were fighting, but it’s clear they were playing for keeps.

All hope is not lost, though, as there is a way to locate the true Meridian; it’s just going to require a bit of work. 

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.