Mass Effect’s Normandies were characters all on their own. The ships not only acted as a way for the iconic crew to get around, but they were also a home away from home for them. In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the iconic mantle has been passed on. You know, a new crew needs a new ship, after all. Even the Normandy got old and needed some upgrades!
This time around, the ship you’ll be flying in is called the Tempest. It’s a very sleek ship with obvious influence from the Normandy, and it comes fully stocked with all the quarters you could possibly want. Enough space for a full crew, too. Not to mention that there’s an AI program named SAM all over, to boot!
- Armory
- Bio Lab
- Bridge
- Cargo Bay
- Crew Quarters
- Engineering
- Galley
- Med Bay
- Meeting Room
- Pathfinder’s Cabin
- Research Room
- Tech Lab
Time will tell if the Tempest will be as memorable as the Normandy, but it certainly has a cool name. That’s for sure. Ryder’s Pathfinder team has a swanky ship to traverse the new galaxy of Andromeda with.
For more help with Mass Effect: Andromeda, be sure to check back to Twinfinite’s wiki for guides and tips!
Published: Mar 17, 2017 2:32 AM UTC