Devil May Cry 5 Producer Matt Walker recently spoke to VG24/7 about Capcom’s reception of Ninja Theory’s reboot, DmC, and what is influencing the combat in the upcoming sequel. The initial fan reaction to DmC’s reveal was anything less than stellar, with many fans demanding a return to the original continuity. Capcom may have returned to the series’ roots with DMC5, but that does not mean that Capcom has written off Ninja Theory’s critically-acclaimed entry.

“Itsuno-san himself has explicitly stated that in his mind, DmC is just as important as any of the other titles in the series, and he’s just as proud of it,” Walker told Vg24/7. “That game had an amazing world all its own, that could only have been produced by the amazing artists and imaginations at Ninja Theory.”. Walker also divulges that Director Hideaki Itsuno had learned quite a bit from working with Ninja Theory on DmC that will be implemented in Devil May Cry 5.
“We learned a lot from working with Ninja Theory on that title, and we hope that they benefited in some way as well. Itsuno-san has stressed several times in conversations with me that he’s taken what he’s learned from working on DmC and applied what he’s learned specifically to what we’ve done on DMC5.”

However, Walker assures that DMC5 is a direct evolution of DMC1-4, and that the combat is an expansion on the original formula. “That being said, as a sequel to DMC4, I think you can expect DMC5 to expand more on the combat philosophies established in DMC1-4.” Walker says.
Devil May Cry 5 is set to release early 2019 on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Published: Jul 25, 2018 4:13 PM UTC