Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Teal Mask DLC has arrived, bringing a new adventure in the land of Kitakami. This adventure is complete with plenty of new and returning Pokemon to collect and discover for your Kitakami Pokedex, including the Swinub evolution line. However, Piloswine has a tricky evolution due to specific conditions that need to be met, meaning it can be easy to find yourself confused when raising this ‘Mon to a high level. If you’re wondering how to evolve Piloswine into Mamoswine in the Teal Mask DLC, we’ve got everything you’ll need to know, so follow along below.
If you’re yet to find yourself a Piloswine, you can obtain one by raising a Swinub to level 33. However, Piloswine is also available to catch from the wilderness of Kitakami, so hunting one down can save you some time spent grinding out extra levels.
Where to Find & Catch Piloswine in the Teal Mask DLC
As indicated in the map screenshot I took below, Piloswine is a rare Pokemon found in a very specific location of Kitakami. This location is a cave known as Chilling Waterhead, which is a short journey from your main base in Mossui Town.

Alternatively, Piloswine can also be found in 4 Star Tera Raid battles, where you will have a 100% capture rate if you manage to defeat its Tera Form.
How to Evolve Piloswine into Mamoswine in the Teal Mask DLC
Piloswine has a bit of tricky, less straightforward evolution criteria than simply meeting a specific level requirement. To trigger Piloswine’s evolution, you’ll need to have it learn the move Ancient Power. Piloswine learns this move naturally at level 34, however, many of the wild Piloswine in Kitakami are already level 34 or above, meaning they’ve missed out on this move altogether. Thankfully, Piloswine also learns Ancient Power as a basic move at level 1, making it eligible to re-learn the move at any time further down the track.
To re-learn Ancient Power, open your Pokemon team menu and view Piloswine’s stats. Now tab over to the Moves menu, and press A to open the Change Moves menu.

From this mini-menu, select Remember Moves. This will bring up a list of eligible moves that you can re-teach your Piloswine, so scroll down to the bottom and select Ancient Power. Now just select the move you’d like to replace with Ancient Power, and Piloswine will be one step closer to evolution.

After successfully teaching your Piloswine Ancient Power, it will now meet the required criteria needed to evolve, so all you have to do now is raise Piloswine’s level by one. After leveling up once more, Piloswine’s evolution will automatically trigger.

All you have to do here is sit back and wait a few seconds while the evolution animation plays, and before you know it you’ll have a Mamoswine to add to your collection or team – easy as that!

That’s everything you need to know about how to evolve Piloswine into Mamoswine in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Teal Mask DLC. Now that you know how to obtain the Twin Tusk Pokemon, why not check out our guide for where to catch Poltchageist? This is one of the new species introduced in the Teal Mask DLC, so it will be a handy addition to help complete the Kitakami Pokedex.
Published: Sep 14, 2023 04:36 am