Legendary Pokemon have forever been considered some of the best franchise creatures for their badass designs, rarity, and interesting lore. Mega Evolution has also been a fan-favorite mechanic since its debut in Gen 6. However, there are a select few ‘Mons who carry both of these qualities, and we’ve rounded them all up for you to admire.
All Legendary & Mythical Pokemon Mega Evolutions, Listed
Mega Mewtwo X

Mewtwo is the only Legendary Pokemon to have two different Mega evolutions, both having debuted in Generation 6’s Pokemon X and Y games. Mewtwo X is the designated Mega Evolution form for Mewtwo in Pokemon X, sporting many similarities to the original form. Most notably, Mega Mewtwo X sports a very powerful stance, with armor-like ridges on its arms and legs, and curved ears.
Aside from this, Mewtwo’s purple belly remains, though the tail is much more upright and curled than its regular form. Lastly, this lad has some big, armor-like shoulder pads to complete his look, adding to his badassery.
Mega Mewtwo Y

Mega Mewtwo Y is the second Mega Evolution for the Legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo, and the form native to the Pokemon Y Version. Unlike Mega Mewtwo X, this form looks quite different from Mewtwo’s base form, trading in a powerful stance on two legs for an ominous, psychic hovering pose. Most significantly, in this design, Mewtwo’s ‘tail’ has been replaced and moved into a long, curled section of its head.
Aside from this, Mewtwo Y is quite a bit skinnier compared to both the Mewtwo base form and Mega Mewtwo X, with shorter, slimmer limbs. Mewtwo Y also has an intense red glare and a halo-like crown behind its sharp, pointed ears. Oh, and he certainly has some interesting little toe beans going on, which make this Mega Evolution design just as amusing as it is badass.
Mega Latias

The Hoenn Region’s Latias and Latios haven’t always gained as much attention as some of the other Legendary Pokemon, which is why it was so satisfying to see them both receive Mega Evolutions in ORAS. In Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Latias is an exclusive Pokemon that you will obtain during your adventure, complete with a new Mega form to show off in battle. However, the fun doesn’t simply end at the flashy Mega Evolution design, as ORAS implemented a brilliant mechanic that lets you take to the skies on the backs of Latios and Latias, riding around Hoenn to get from place to place.
Mega Latios

Mega Latios is the unique Mega Evolution form introduced for the Hoenn Region’s Legendary Pokemon, Latios, in Pokemon Omega Ruby. While the designs for Mega Latios and Latias are essentially the same, minus their poses, this does establish a nice visual link between these ‘Mons as they are usually seen together. Latias and Latios have even been depicted as brother and sister in certain Pokemon media, so it’s a rather nice little touch that these red and blue-colored Pokemon both take the same purple-hued form upon triggering Mega Evolution.
Mega Diancie

Diancie, the adorable Rock/Fairy dual-type, is already very beautiful and alluring in terms of Pokemon design. However, Diancie’s Mega Evolution form kicks things up yet another notch, giving the crystal-like creature even more of an elegant and adorable appearance.
In Diancie’s Mega form, the rock body transforms into a dress, with the pink crystal reshaping themselves to make up the bottom of this piece of ‘clothing’. Diancie’s head crystals also reform to take on more of a ‘crown’ shape, complete with two long, twirling ribbons flowing down from behind its head. This Mega Evolution design is undeniably adorable, capturing and enhancing Diancie’s natural beauty to perfection.
Mega Rayquaza

Rayquaza’s Mega Evolution is commonly referred to as many fans’ favorite Mega design, and for good reason; just look at how badass this space dragon looks. Visually, this design does a great job at portraying that extra power the Mega form brings, with Rayquaza’s yellow and black body markings merging into distinctive sections, complete with flame-like marks around its eye. Rayquaza also receives sharp, blade-like fins on its face and body, complete with fiery orange attachments to give that menacing yet captivating look as Rayquaza soars through the sky.
Most importantly, Rayquaza made one hell of an impact on fans, as it received its dedicated storyline through Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire’s Delta Episode post-game content. This storyline centered around the mysterious Zinnia and the insane powers of Mega Rayquaza, who even came equipped with the badass new Dragon Ascent move, truly making Mega Rayquaza one to remember.
Primal Kyogre

Though this technically isn’t a ‘Mega Evolution’, both Kyogre and Groudon received brand new ‘Primal’ forms in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby that function in the same way. The only real difference is that Kyogre’s Primal form in Alpha Sapphire is triggered by the Blue Orb, rather than a Mega Stone. Back when ORAS was first released, the inclusion of this new form for the aquatic beast certainly added major points to the appeal of the game, making the Water Type even more powerful looking.
Primal Kyogre trades in its red markings for glowing yellow and silver decals, complete with blue and red accent markings here and there. On top of this, Kyogre’s tail also splits into more fins, and its eyes transform from black and yellow into a glowing orange, giving this creature the appearance of a true god of the sea.
Primal Groudon

Groudon also receives a mighty new Primal form, which is available in Omega Ruby and activated with the use of the Red Orb, rather than a Mega Stone. While Kyogre takes on an appearance that just screams ‘god of the sea’, Groudon instead adapts its design to look like a living, breathing volcano beast.
Groudon’s gray belly and white body spikes all become a much darker black color, giving it a significantly more menacing appearance. However, the best part of this design is undoubtedly the body markings, which have expanded and taken on an orange and yellow glow, creating a visual of lava flowing through Groudon’s body.
Ultra Necrozma

Much like Primal Kyogre and Groudon, Ultra Necrozma technically isn’t a Mega Evolution, it does function in a very similar way, which makes it fit in alongside the Megas. Ultra Necrozma is created by using an item called the N-Solarizer on Necrozma to create Dusk Mane Necrozma (Pokemon Ultra Sun), or Dawn Wings Necrozma (Pokemon Ultra Moon). After this, Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma will have a new ‘Ultra Burst’ option in battle, which allows them to become Ultra Necrozma, just like how Mega Stones trigger the same option for various Mega Evolutions.
That’s everything you need to know about all Legendary and Mythical Mega Evolutions in Pokemon. For more helpful gameplay guides, check out the rest of our content at Twinfinite. We have a variety of different topics to help you catch them all and become the best like no one ever was, such as all Pokemon Natures, which will help you plan out your team compositions.
Published: Nov 14, 2023 08:10 pm