For those Destiny veterans who have been playing the game since its release in 2014, certain gameplay accomplishments will transfer over to Destiny 2 so you can show off your dedication to the series with special rewards.
In a blog post, Bungie states that these acknowledgements of your legacy will be visualized with special emblems, some of which were only obtainable during the first two years of Destiny’s existence from September 2014 to September 2016.
However, it’s still not too late to get a few of these emblems. Even though Destiny 2 releases on Sept. 6, the time limit to receive these emblems is restricted to the first of August so Bungie will have time to launch Destiny 2 with the carried over content. You can check out all the announced emblems below, with the last three still available to unlock until Aug. 1.
Laurel Triumphant
You completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.
Laurea Prima II
You completed all 10 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.
Slayer of Oryx
You owned The Taken King and completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.
Heard the Call
You owned The Taken King and completed all 8 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.
Young Wolf
You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 2 in the Age of Triumph record book.
Saladin’s Pride
You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 7 in the Age of Triumph record book.
Lore Scholar
Your achieved a Grimoire score of over 5,000 in Destiny 1.
For more Destiny 2, check out our interview with PC project lead David Shaw at E3 2017 on how Bungie is approaching the PC platform for Destiny for the first time, or news on how the PC version of Destiny 2 will not feature recoil for its guns.
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Published: Jun 23, 2017 5:19 PM UTC