The summer of Legendary Pokemon continues, with the introduction of both Thundurus and Tornadus to Target next month. Starting in July, you can visit participating stores to grab one of the Pokemon, depending on which version of Pokemon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon (or Pokemon Sun or Moon) you have.
If you’re interested in Thundurus, here are the stats you can expect:
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Level: 100
Ability: Prankster
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Nasty Plot
Pokemon Sun
Level: 60
Ability: Prankster
Moves: Discharge, Crunch, Charge, Nasty Plot
Similarly, you can get Tornadus in Ultra Moon or Sun, and it’ll have the following stats:
Pokemon Ultra Moon
Level: 100
Ability: Prankster
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Hurricane, Heat Wave, Grass Knot, Tailwind
Pokemon Moon
Level: 60
Ability: Prankster
Moves: Air Slash, Crunch, Tailwind, Rain Dance
Starting July 13, if you hit up a Target store that’s taking part in the promotion, all you need to do is grab a code from the retailer. Then, head to Mystery Gift on the main menu, select the Receive Gift option, and then use the Get with Code/Password option. Press yes, then yes again, and enter your code after connecting to the internet. The Pokemon will land in your game. After that, hit up a delivery person at a Pokemon Center to nab your monster. Then save your game. That’s it!
Published: Jun 28, 2018 7:07 PM UTC