Broken Age was originally released back in 2015 and is a point-and-click adventure game created by Tim Schafer, a game designer known for his classic point-and-click adventure games such as Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango.
Broken Age has been available for the PlayStation, PC, iOS, and even the ill-fated Ouya, but has never seen a release on the Xbox. Xbox gamers who have long awaited the chance to play Broken Age will be pleased to learn that a recent PEGI rating has suggested that the game may see a release on the Xbox. A user on Reddit noticed the rating which suggests the game is coming to the Xbox One.
Broken Age was originally launched via Kickstarter where it earned over $3 million in donations. The game is set in two halves and is a call back to the point-and-click adventure games of old whilst making use of modern technology and gameplay. The game received strong reviews upon release and has helped point-and-click adventure games gain a foothold in the landscape of modern gaming.
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Published: Apr 26, 2017 09:14 am