Winter is coming back to Overwatch for another year of snowball fights, but according to the latest developer update by Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan, there’s the promise of a whole new kind of experience for long time players and fans alike. Oh, and skins, plenty of skins.
Mei’s Snowball Offensive, which appeared for the first time last year as part of the winter seasonal event, is set to make a return. As before, you’re out to beat your opposing team by throwing snowballs instead of the usual weaponry. On this occasion, the fight will be played out in two arenas, Ecopoint: Antarctica and the newly updated Black Forrest. No changes were announced beyond the second map, so expect the same winter themed action as before.
A new winter themed Arcade event will also make its debut this year, a 5v1 boss battle entitled Mei’s Yeti Hunt. In this special mode, five players will each be playing as Mei whilst a lone sixth player will be opposing them as a Yeti dressed Winston. Taking place in Nepal, the Winston is out to find meat littered around the map to charge his Primal Rage ability, whilst the Mei’s are trying to find him and stop him from doing so. If Primal Rage becomes active, the Mei’s must try to hide or escape by using her usual set of abilities and a new special ability called Ice Trap, which will stop Winston in his tracks. The ultimate goal is either beat Winston or take out enough of the Mei’s and survive the snowy onslaught.
As is tradition, a host of new legendary skins for players to collect will also become available. Kaplan teased some new skins in particular for Junkrat, Roadhog and a long awaited skin for Hanzo, based on a look previously featured in the Overwatch comics series. If previous seasonal events across 2017 are to go by, skins from the 2016 events will be available to purchase for a smaller cost than usual, whilst the new skins will be available for a premium or within holiday themed loot boxes.
Winter Wonderland launches for all Overwatch players across PC, Xbox One and PS4 on Dec. 12.
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Published: Dec 8, 2017 10:03 AM UTC