Neopets, first introduced in 1999, captivated a generation of young internet users. Those who grew up with the website remember playing flash games, collecting rare items and Neopoints, and of course, caring for and “painting” their pets.
Over time, Neopets has evolved into a source of fond nostalgia for numerous adults who fondly recall their virtual pet-rearing days. However, the site has undergone several changes in ownership over the years, and a great deal has changed over time.
A significant shift occurred in 2007 when Neopets underwent a site-wide overhaul. This change, known as “The Conversion,” replaced the original pet artwork with new, standardized designs. Consequently, painted pets that remained unconverted became highly prized for their rarity and unique appearance, as they were no longer obtainable.
In a surprising turn, Neopets has announced that starting on January 23, players will once again have the opportunity to obtain Unconverted pets, rekindling a sense of excitement and nostalgia within the community.
Unconverted pets, commonly referred to as UCs within the Neopets community, will be available as “NC Pet Styles.” This means that players will be able to use NeoCash (NC) to make their pet unconverted. NeoCash is a type of currency in Neopets that is bought with real-life money.
As of right now, there are still many unanswered questions about the process of unconverting pets. The Neopets Team has not yet revealed how much it will cost or if there will be any limitations. However, a Neopets employee shared that Darigan, Faerie, and Grey pets will be the first UCs available to convert.
There will be a livestream on Neopets social media channels on January 17 at 5 pm PST. This livestream should answer further questions about the process.
You can read more about the livestream and details about NC Pet Styles right here on the Neopets website.
Incidentally, Neopets will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. There is a grand countdown on the front of the website to mark the milestone.
So, if you needed a sign to log back into your account and check on your virtual pets, this is a great time to do so! Maybe consider feeding them while you’re there… They’re probably starving by now.
Published: Jan 16, 2024 5:10 AM UTC