Superhot developer SUPERHOT Team announced a new standalone expansion of Superhot, called Superhot: Mind Control Delete, launching in Steam Early Access on Dec. 7.
According to the title’s Steam page, the expansion is a “rogue-like” twist on the gameplay of the original where time only moves when the player does. The Steam Early Access version will feature:
- First 2 playable MINDS, each with it’s own unique ability and gameplay modifiers.
- A kaleidoscope of the first dozen new gameplay levels that mix into the first few dozen combat challenges.
- New animation and AI systems to drive new weapons, abilities, and enemy types.
- Hitpoint system and power-up store to give you that extra oompf needed to crush your enemies and see them driven before you.
- Procedural rogue-like run generation baked into the core gameplay loop, enabling us to tell longer, more complex stories and deliver tons more of satisfying skill-based gameplay.
The Steam Early Access title will be sold at a reduced price while in development, while the finished game will retail for $25. It has only been announced for Steam, and those who already own the original Superhot will receive the standalone expansion for free when the full version is expected to release in 9-12 months, or “autumn-ish 2018.”
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Published: Dec 6, 2017 7:43 AM UTC