Steam’s latest update came with an interesting tweak to its curator system. Steam Curators are typically given the chance to select their own games and publish them for others to peruse, usually lists of themed or recommended games for players to pore over. But previously you weren’t able to remove them to “curate” your own Steam experience.
That has changed with the latest update to Steam’s UI, where you can now select an option on curator tabs to “ignore this curator.” Essentially, this means you won’t have to look at anything from a specific person anymore if you don’t choose to. This should help make things a little easier for you to sift through the creators whose suggestions you do enjoy and the ones you wish you could tune out.
But it doesn’t have to be like this forever, you know. You can toggle this option off at any time, should you decide you want to see specific content from a certain curator again. It’s as simple as a button press, and pretty easy to set up in the first place as long as you know what you’re looking for. It can be tough to find the types of games you’re interested in playing on Steam, but you don’t have to be a slave to others’ recommendations, either.
Published: Feb 21, 2018 07:55 pm