Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t always as clear as it should be about where certain characters and tasks are. For proof, look no further than Karlach’s companion quest. It tasks you with tracking down a blacksmith capable of fixing her Infernal Engine, but doesn’t point you toward one’s exact location initially. As such, you’re far from the first person to come to us wondering where you can find Dammon in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Luckily, we’ve got all the answers you’re looking for.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Dammon Locations
There are two locations Dammon can be found at based on how far into Baldur’s Gate 3 you are.

If you’re still in Act 1 and haven’t resolved the conflict between the Druids and Goblins yet, he can be found at the Druid Grove. From the entrance, head north until you reach the rocky pit area the Tieflings are staying in. Head down into the pit, and then go to the half-covered area with a blue tarp and three poles. He’ll be marked with a Merchant icon for good measure, and you can hover your mouse cursor over him to confirm his name.

If you’ve already resolved the conflict, then Dammon will have moved on with the other Tiefling refugees and won’t be available again until Act 2. Once you reach this point, he can be found at the Last Light Inn so long as you survive the encounter with the shadows and can be guided there by the surviving Harper.

From the entrance and Waypoint, head north and look for the stable with an Ox in it. Dammon will be smithing some items, and you can confirm it’s him by hovering your mouse on him again. Karlach’s Companion Quest also highlights his location and makes him easier to find.

Can You Find Dammon in Act 3?
We should note, however, that this can be the last time you’re able to find Dammon alive and well in Baldur’s Gate 3.
After Isobel gets kidnapped by the invading force during the main story, almost every person at the Last Light Inn gets turned into a Shadow-Corrupted Undead. This includes Dammon, and he won’t be accessible as a smith for the remainder of the game.
Keep this in mind, and try to wrap up any business you have with him before talking to Isobel to progress the main quest. In particular, try to give him two pieces of Infernal Iron so that he can repair Karlach’s Engine and resolve that part of her Companion Quest. If he doesn’t immediately offer to use the second piece after you find it, take a long rest and then talk to him again.
We’re currently testing whether or not he can be saved, and if he shows up in Act 3 as a result. Once we have a definitive answer, we’ll update this guide accordingly.
For now though, that’s everything you need to know about where to find Dammon in Baldur’s Gate 3. For more on the game, check out any of our other guides to ensure you don’t miss a thing during your playthrough.
Published: Aug 12, 2023 08:46 am