In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, players will have an opportunity to take some time and mourn the loss of a loved one before carrying on the fight, and this guide will show you just where to visit Aunt May’s grave as Peter to get the You Know What to Do Trophy.
Spider-Man 2 Aunt May’s Grave Location
The events of the first game saw the capture of Mister Negative come at the cost of dear old Aunt May, which is was loss that Peter, the entire F.E.A.S.T organization, and anyone who has a heart. Now, faced with a brand new challenge in the form of Kraven and his Hunters, it wouldn’t hurt for Peter to draw strength from his beloved family member once more.
Players will need to head to the most northern part of Harlem to find the graveyard in New York. Aunt May’s grave can be found in a central location, just slightly north of the center as shown on the map below.

Head over there, and look for a pair of headstones that are nicely placed next to each other. These will be the graves of Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Get closer, and interact with the former’s headstone by pressing the Triangle button.

This will play a scene in which Peter shares his recent troubles with Aunt May, wishing that she was still by his side giving him the support needed to do whatever it takes to do the right thing. A touching moment for sure, especially for those coming off the first game. The You Know What to Do Trophy will trigger shortly after, and you’ll be one step closer to netting yourself the game’s Platinum.
What Happens if You Visit Aunt May’s Grave as Miles?
While it may not trigger the Trophy, you can also visit Aunt May’s Grave as Miles for some unique dialogue.
Though not as in-depth and personal as Peter’s visits, Miles can pay his respects and reaffirm that he’s trying to do his best as the new Spider-Man. It’s a nice little touch, especially considering Peter can’t interact with the Science Trophy Miles uses to pay respects to Phin.
What Other Graves Can You Find in Spider-Man 2?

For those that want to do a little more exploring, head southwest a little bit to find the grave of Jefferson Davis; Miles’ dad, who lost his life in the line of duty. Visiting as either Spider-Man will allow for unique dialogue to be played, further hammering home the point that these heroes come from bad times but are even more determined than ever to do good and prevent harm from coming to their loved ones.

There you go. That’s all the vital information about where to visit Aunt May’s grave as Peter to get the You Know What to Do Trophy in Spider-Man 2. You can check out the related content below for other guides, or search Twinfinite for more tips and tricks.
Published: Oct 26, 2023 02:13 am