Coraline was a stop-motion animated movie released in 2009. It was a different kind of film, not only for being a dark horror story based on a Neil Gaiman story, but it also had a unique animation style and color, created by director Henry Selick and illustrator Tadahiro Uesugi. The stop-motion animated picture was a success, and many fans are still wondering when is Coraline 2 coming out.
Coraline 2 Release Date
Unfortunately, there’s not a Coraline 2 planned. Neil Gaiman himself has confirmed so on his Twitter page, as he believes there’s no need to do a sequel until they have “a Coraline story that’s as good as or better than Coraline. There’s no point in making something less than the first book or movie.”
Both Gaiman and Selick (Nightmare Before Christmas) are open to a sequel as long as they have the perfect story for it. In other interviews, they both talked about doing it if there’s a good story and they can better the first one, as they want Coraline 2 to be at the same level as other incredible sequels like Toy Story 2 or The Godfather 2.
Although this news is sad for all Coraline fans out there just desperate for another adventure through the secret door, there might be something Coraline-related coming later this year to look forward to. It’s not official, but a fan film about the character, called Coraline 2: The New Other Mother, is due to release in October 2023.
Now that you know when is Coraline 2 coming out, you can look for more guides and news on animated movies on Twinfinite. As you can see below, we have all the answers.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 02:29 pm