If you’ve read through the Milestones quests in Fortnite, you’ve likely spotted the ‘Acquire Accolades’ quest that’s available to complete from the beginning of Chapter 4 Season 2. In this guide, we’ll run you through how to acquire accolades in Fortnite, and explain exactly what they are.
What Is an Accolade in Fortnite?
An accolade is essentially a ‘medal’ or achievement you unlock in-game for completing a specific activity. For example, this could be as simple as being one of the final 25 players in a match, or for eliminating an enemy with a headshot.
There are tons of accolades you can get in Fortnite, many of which you’ll unlock naturally as you play through the game.
The reason you’re likely wondering what the deal is with Fortnite accolades is due to the Milestones quest that tasks players with ‘Acquiring Accolades.’ The problem is, of course, how do you acquire an accolade?

Accolades also earn you a chunk of XP for completing, making them well worth your time racking up in a match.
How to Get Accolades in Fortnite
Acquiring accolades simply means you’ve got to unlock one by performing whatever its requirement is.
For example, that may be as simple as surviving to the final 25, being the first person in a match to search a chest, or exploring new landmarks or named locations on the map.
Here are a list of the accolades we unlocked in one match:
- Survivor III – 10 Players Remaining.
- Monumental Monarch – Claim a named location.
- Survivor II – 25 Players Remaining.
- Survivor I – 50 Players Remaining.
- Headshot – Knock or elim with a headshot.
- Shotgun Expert – 500 Shotgun damage in a match.
- AR Expert – 500 Assault Rifle damage in a match.
- Gilded Glory – 100 Bars collected in a match.
Checking Accolades in Fortnite
When you’ve earned an accolade in-game, a small gold notification will appear at the top of the screen, informing you what accolade you’ve just completed, what you did to achieve it, and the amount of XP you’ve earned.

At the end of a match, you can press the Match Stats option (X on Xbox, Square on PlayStation, Y on Nintendo Switch, E on PC) to view the various accolades you’ve earned in that game.

That’s everything you need to know on Fortnite accolades. For more tips and tricks on the current, MEGA season, be sure to check out the links below.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 06:59 am