Aside from the main storyline, players can embark on Rumor quests in Koboh, Jedha, and the Shattered Moon. Each mission can help expand the population of your primary home base, providing you with extra resources. In this guide, we’ll assist you with the Help Zygg in the Swamp Rumor of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to earn a few rewards for your journey.
How to Complete Help Zygg in the Swamp Rumor in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
When speaking to Monk at Pyloon’s Saloon, he will ask you to find a missing patron, Zygg Soza, who was last seen in a swamp. You can reach this mysterious destination by progressing in the main campaign until you reach the objective, Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk in Chapter 4. Once players get to Viscid Bog, they’ll encounter Zygg and Wini inside a hut, and it shouldn’t be too hard to miss as long as you follow the pathway in the storyline.

After speaking to the characters, they will need you to get back a lost datapad, but you must obtain the Force lift upgrade first by completing the main objective. Next, players can return to this area and use the new ability on the large rock near the hut:

You must climb up this lifted terrain to reach the top, where you’ll see the location of the datapad above you.

To complete the Help Zygg in the Swamp objective, players must scan the item with BD-1 and then relay the bad news to Wini about her broken datapad. As a result, the character will now be available at Pyloon’s Saloon, and you can check back with her on the second floor to finish the entire narrative.
That does it for our guide on how to help Zygg in the Swamp in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. For more help, be sure to explore the relevant links below, including our guide on how to solve the Ramblers Reach Roof puzzle.
Published: May 4, 2023 04:34 pm