Besides the standard and legendary artifacts in STALKER 2, there are some other unique items with the label of ‘Weird’ that provide incredibly useful buffs when equipped. However, these coveted prizes are even rarer and harder to find than Artifacts as they are in a tier of their own. Today we’re going to go over how to find Weird Water in STALKER 2, a unique legendary item.
What is Weird Water?
The Weird Water Legendary item is actually just a bottle of water that has been altered by the Zone but it can be equipped just like any other artifact.
Its description reads ‘You can’t drink this stuff, but strap it to your belt, and radiation won’t bother you as much. It makes moving around a bit smoother too, although you might go a little weak in the knees from time to time.’. While the exact stats aren’t mentioned, it provides you with very strong Radiation protection and increases your carry capacity by 40, which are both extremely powerful buffs that will make your life easier. The one drawback is that you’ll occasionally be hit with the Drunk effect that occurs when you drink Vodka.

How to Find Weird Water in STALKER 2
You can only find Weird Water in the Wandering Lights Anomaly found in the Zaton Region. This Anomaly appears as light green floating orbs and only spawns during nighttime after 10 pm or 22:00. Wandering Light Anomaly is on the Eastern side of the map shown below.

It can be a lengthy walk, so try to leave your base and get there a few minutes before 22:00 and save your game. After the Wandering Lights spawn, you must go to each light and look under it for the Weird Water legendary item.
Your detector won’t be much help here and you’ll have to do a lot of running around, so be sure to reduce your carry load and load up on energy drinks before heading out. You’ll find the Weird Water Bottle under one of these lights. Set contrast brightness and Gamma to 100% as this helps when searching.

Note that it might take you several attempts to finally get the Weird Water legendary item, because it has a very low spawn rate. Many players have reported searching for several hours and not getting the spawn. You’ll have the time frame between 22:00 and 4:00 to find it. Once you find it, just equip it just like any other artifact and you’ll have one of the best quality-of-life upgrades available in STALKER 2.
It’s worth mentioning that many people believe that this spawn is bugged or simply so rare that it’s almost impossible to find for most people.
That’s all we currently know on how to find Weird Water in STALKER 2. While you’re here, learn how to fix the Just Like the Good Old Days Bug, also learn how to fix the Three Captains Quest bug, and how to find the Whirlwind Artifact.
Published: Nov 27, 2024 02:06 am