Developed by the studio behind Death Squared and published by the same team as the Overcooked games, Moving Out is a wacky couch-co-op game. It’s designed to be played with up to four players on one screen, so here’s everything you need to know about how to play splitscreen co-op multiplayer in Moving Out.
Couch co-op isn’t technically splitscreen. Instead, since you’re looking over the top of the house you’re moving out, you should be able to see all characters at the same time, which means splitscreen isn’t necessary.
How to Play Splitscreen Co-op Multiplayer in Moving Out
When you load up into the game and start playing the story mode, you’ll get the chance to pick your character, selecting from the likes of the toaster head mover and the donut head one.
This screen is also where you’ll be able to add more players to the game. Once you’ve turned your controller on, you’ll be able to cycle through the coworkers, pressing X to confirm your choice, with four players being the maximum you can have.
Once you’ve confirmed your characters, drive the truck around the world to choose a level to play in co-op multiplayer. In the actual levels, the amount of time and number of items you have to move to the truck can change depending on how many players you have, so that it’s not significantly easier with more players.
Time needed: 1 minute
In short, to play splitscreen co-op multiplayer in Moving Out,
- Start a new game or continue an existing one.
- Turn on the controllers for the second, third, and fourth player.
- Select a character and press X (PS4), A (Xbox One) or B (Switch) to confirm you’re ready to jump into co-op multiplayer.
- Then, choose the level you want to play.
That’s everything you need to know about how to play splitscreen co-op multiplayer in Moving Out. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite.
Published: Apr 23, 2020 08:00 am